Anduin is a lame charcter

Normally I’d ask you to elaborate, but it’s late and clearly you are unable to properly articulate.

Have a nice night.

You wouldn’t understand anyway considering you keep going back to the well of “well at one point he was a kid!” Didn’t know growing up, which every person on the planet does, was considered a riveting character arc.

I find Anduin too predictable. You know exactly how he’s going to react to just about any situation or crisis; I find his character uninspiring. I’d much rather have Varian back or follow Greymane.

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If everyone was a loose cannon and unpredictable, the game would get just as boring and stale.

You need characters in your story that have flat character arcs, that only change in very minor ways as time goes on.

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Yeah, other wise you get characters that trigger easily and burn entire tree cities down.


Tree Continents*

It’s not? When did the Alliance become a democracy?

Before Cata we were a council of leaders. With Cata, we became Horde 2.0 with Varian becoming High King of the Alliance.

Led by?

The Alliance has always been human-led. Yes, there was a Council but unless you can show me a scene or story where the humans wanted to go left and a council vote led to the Alliance going right I’ll stand by my response.

However, that’s the problem with the entire Alliance story arc. It’s been consistently flat and reactionary to the Horde story arc. In fifteen years of story development we’ve only seen only two “loose cannon” incidents with Varian at the Wrathgate and Jaina purging Dalaran. Neither of which caused any long-term change in the story.

Meanwhile, Azeroth is constantly reshaped by the Horde’s actions in their storyline. Now, I’m not saying the Alliance should be doing the same thing as the Horde, but it would be nice to see the Alliance faction leaders taking the initiative and forcing the Horde to react for a change. I don’t see that ever happening with Anduin’s character being written as it is.

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You know. I don’t actually have an example. I concede.

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Did you really predict that he was going to let Saurfang scape?

Anduin is completely fine.

It’s this hyper-masculinity craze that isn’t.

Strange. I’ve never seen any instance of him being an “emo king”.

I mean it’s better than the horde way of just going psycho and having your own people kill you

My only gripe is my man needs a beard, or at least a goatee, or a soul patch.
Otherwise I’m quite fond of him and would enjoy a brew or two in any pub across Azeroth.

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I’d too, prefer it was the alliance having conflict in t’s ranks, instead of the horde having another random psycho.

However, to criticize a character for being a flat character arc type character is just silly.

The alliance does need less flat characters, but that’s not anduin’s fault.

And if they changed him simply so that he wasn’t a flat character, he’d be just like the horde warchiefs that went crazy, suddenly going out of character for the purpose of pushing a plot forward.

he will be insteresting as wrathion’s husband.

I find him interesting, in a world thorn by war and disagreements it’s always good to have a character that knows the value of peace. But then again, I’ve always preferred non-warmongering sane characters over the opposite, one of the reasons I never got really into playing Horde in fact.

I’m not asking for him to suddenly go psycho. I’d just like to see the Alliance leaders actually, well, act on their own initiative for a change, including Anduin. Outside of Greymane and more recently, Tyrande, none of the Alliance leaders have ever shown any decision-making for they own national interest outside of following the Alliance. There doesn’t have to be outright conflict between the members, but perhaps the natural tension that would occur between such diverse races. So things aren’t always so flat and predictable.

Anduin is so lame, he pees sitting down.