Anduin hasn't really been himself since Shadowlands

Anduin told me ever since his possession in Shadowlands, he has been seeing visions of Arthas. He doesn’t remember what happened during his 3-year absence. He thinks he was present when Arthas killed everyone in Stratholme and burned it down. He also thinks Arthas is going to destroy Azeroth with a meteor. I think Anduin has gone crazy. How do we save him?

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Only way to save him is by cutting off his head and looting his epic loots sending his soul to bastion to be cleansed.

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But Sylvanas blew out what little was left of his soul after his boss encounter… No, wait. Scratch that:

Shadowlands? You mean the dead reflection of Azeroth that Death Knights went into to receive their Acherus Deathcharger? When did Anduin ever go there? Did Anduin become a Death Knight off-screen? When was this? I have so many questions… He was the High King of the Alliance in Battle for Azeroth, the expansion just before Dragonflight. I was wondering where he suddenly disappeared to; odd Blizzard never provided an answer to that.

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I say we infuse him with Naaru light.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Like it or not, Shadowlands Happened. You can’t just say it didn’t and it be true :smiley:


Oh goody which Naaru are we gonna blow up this time :smiley:


Good Anduin being himself for the previous expansions was pretty bad. Glad PTSD seems to make him stronger.

I think I vaguely heard Arthas’s voice saying “I will never be a memory” right after that.

I don’t get the reference, sorry.

Meh then if he won’t be a memory then he can get the freddy kruguer treatment and just be forgotten.

A’dal had a good run. The draenei might be a little upset with us after, though

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What are they gonna do use their advanced tech that they no longer have :rofl:

True, Shattrath is a bit of a mess these days. Covered in feather dust and…blood elves

Hmm. Might happen next expansion. :8ball::robot:

…although Moira has been spotted holding Fearbreaker around the Earthen, would be silly if Anduin couldn’t borrow it’s calming effect. :hammer::robot:

edit: Although Thrall has a plan by throwing Anduin into the darkness. Seems a little risky. :robot::sweat_drops:

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Ah, never got around to playing Final Fantasy VII. Maybe one day I’ll play the remake.

Yeah well, maybe you will see the similarities once you have played through the whole story. I mean, overall, Arthas and Sephiroth aren’t that similar, but there are certainly some parallels. I just thought it’d be funny if the relationship between Cloud/Sephiroth was applied to Anduin/Arthas.

I’m vaguely familiar with Sephiroth’s story and yeah, it seems they overlap in a few places but are distinctly different in the rest.

Who knows, maybe we will see Arthas as part of Anduin’s trauma in The War Within…

The atrocities of that war weighed heavily on his poor innocent Priest/Paladin soul so he abandoned his responsibilities, went on a walk about, ended up in Silithus and, due to lack of water and food, had visions of a really weird afterlife which sent him over the edge.

I think Sylvanas might be with him since she disappeared around the same time after an epic breakdown outside Orgrimmar.

I hope they come out the other side, stronger, better leaders.

This is now my headcanon, thanks!

She’s been in exile ever since she cheated in her mok’gora against Saurfang.

For Anduin, yes. For Sylvanas, I hope she rots in whatever exile Blizzard placed her in never to return.