Well, the main reason I quoted the line “I will never be a memory.” is an example of how persistent Sephiroth is, and how I wish Arthas was despite the writers wanting to kill him off for good. So many people wanted Arthas to come back, but instead we got that cutscene in Shadowlands.
You’d think a character that was so impactful to Warcraft’s story would have lingering effects, and he did in Vanilla and even The Burning Crusade (the effects of his actions in part shaped Kael’thas and Illidan), but ever since his defeat at the Icecrown Citadel raid he was mostly forgotten.
Yeah well, I haven’t really been happy with how the story has been going for a long time.
Lets be honest …
No one has been themself since Shadowlands.
— It putrefied the lore and STILL had terrible writing.
Heck, I know people that went to Classic WoW - because they fealt BFA onwards was just terrible fan-fiction.
The ENTIRE game is just Fan fiction.
Yeah, when the “official” story is written by lots of different people, it may as well be just considered fan fiction. Probably even worse because each fan fiction is written by a fan, so the story within a fan fiction is still consistent. World of Warcraft is like combining dozens of fan fictions into one story.
You misunderstand the message:
- What I’m saying is it doesn’t feel like the story or narrative is respectful to its own source-material or established themes — That it’s going off-track to something that doesn’t make sense in its established universe, merely to satisfy someone’s ego.
Just one of Shadowlands’ many examples:
“Lets say every big bad plot, like ever – was all the Jailor! People will love it!”
Do you know the calming showers of Bastion are open 24 seven now.
It might take all day and night, but he’ll get rid of all them blobs. And everyone out levels them so they should be easy to kill
'There must always be a, Puppet Master"