Anduin has been ruined

Anduin more cringe by the second. Get some chapstick man. I miss the old days

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Could be worse, they could have done him like they did Sylvannas…

I guess this makes us all even. I vote Thrall for King of Stormwind.


They (Blizz) ruined Sylvanas too.

They like to do that sometimes.

Just hope we end with the touchy feely damsel anduin lol

I do appreciate the arc if they get him to be a grown leader after.

they ruined alleria too. lets start a line.

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He kind of is the damsel in distress now lol

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Oh I meant that hope we end that… I saw clips since I don’t have tww and my fears might be realized of another damsel anduin arc lol


The people want fun and adventure not to be a broken boys therapist.

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worse when he repeats being the damsel in distress and gets kidnapped (AGAIN) it seems that he no longer has to play the spoiled king boy who I sometimes say that since Vanilla we didn’t know would be the ruin of all WoW.

Anduin looks fine dunno what yall are complaining about

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I’m loving the story, and liking that Anduin might actually find peace with his past. I just finished the lamplighter portion of the story, and I’m going to disagree… They got this right considering what they were left with. His looks are fine, again they fit with what he’s been through.


Once you play the game and have a lot of close-up’s, Blizz did a great job with the facial scars. I mean, I met him in 2004 and he was still a toddler, even my own son is now 30 years old!