Anduin Fight, what's up?

Y’all don’t suck, it’s a hard fight.
Two of the mechanics have always made it hard on raid teams: splitting the raid into two groups and the pairing up of two players to color match. We saw this in N’Zoth and it was hard then too.
Our team was like yours with several weeks of teeth grinding; but then we got it. I think that we’d always been over-geared for it, it was the mechanics. And, even now, many of us don’t really understand the mechanics of getting certain percentages before the hero/stack phase.
If you can keep your team together (ours is always shifting), you will get it! And then move on. We are now staring the heroic version of the raid.
That boss is a tough one.

Overtuned was in the very first weeks, the fight was insane in week 1. But for now it’s really not. I can’t say what’s happening with your team without any logs, if you all dying by eating stars, missing barrier, messing up blasphemy, not getting 100 energy downstairs and so on and so forth.


I appreciate that everyone works at their own pace… but we have to call a spade a spade here. Nobody should be 240 right now. With free gear available in ZM… in one day you can have 252’s in almost every slot with 2 legendaries (don’t have to be 291) and 4 tier pieces.
If people don’t do that much… just be selective with your rez’s during the fight.


About CDs, big CDs that have a 2 min CD (3 min cuts it close, but my CDs are 2 min max so I don’t have experience with that) will be up for LK phase.

We killed Anduin with one of our DPS being 226 I believe, but me and a couple of others had hit 270 or were very close to it.

Anduin is a cakewalk for us now only through practice and very good callouts (much love to my raid lead).

Normal imo is tuned fine. Sounds like your normal raid team isn’t all that good. You really should check logs and see what people are doing. That is why logs are important. Not sure how long your raid nights are or how long you have spent on him, but I know when we killed him in normal, it didn’t take too long. Definitely took a little longer than the other bosses but we got him and didn’t spend tons of time trying to down him.

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It’s because Varian, and Saurfang wait until cinematic to give the advice that you need. Tell the raid team to let it be finished, and you guys will down the boy king :crazy_face:

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It’s not about what you can do. We could time 15’s at 245 with one leggo and no tier. Doesn’t mean we should be doing it now. It’s about intent & contributing to the cause by doing the bare minimum.

Every raid has that boss that is a “wall” on your raid- Anduin in Sepulcher, is that wall.

You need good comms.
You need balanced groups for the downphase, with optimal healing.
You need 3 traps on the phantasms that cast, and keep them trapped.
You need placement for the stars, and for them to not hit Barrier and the phantasms.
You need awareness when the small adds die.
You need good AoE for Lich phase.
You need eyeballs for 2nd Lich phase to not get slammed by the skeleton wall.
You need someone to call out the group numbers to debuff yourself in the middle during last phase.

There’s a lot going on, and it’s pretty mechanic heavy. Anduin was our wall until Rygelon, where he has a 1-shot mechanic if one single person messes up, or as the group as a whole messes up the quasars.

Although Anduin is a wall, he’s not impossible. He’s the final boss before the endgame bosses, and he’s there for you to prepare for what is to come.

Edit: I’m also talking about Heroic mode. Normal mode in my opinion isn’t what you’d want to base any fight on, because Heroic is where the punches can really hurt.

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Granted my example was over a month ago (IDR exactly, but I believe before catalyst dropped?)

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N Anduin is a cakewalk compared to H Anduin. On Heroic there are two more ways to wipe the raid. The monstrous soul gets it’s cast off or somebody hits an add with a wicked star, but what’s really pathetic is it’s usually a Normal mechanic that wipes the raid on Heroic.

If you dont want mechanics to matter, go do LFR.

Thats what it is there for.


It’s not a hard fight. The main thing for the fight is your dps having appropriately timed CD usage.

If your DPS entering the first down phase are blowing all of their CDs on pull, they probably wont be able to kill the adds in bottom and get Anduin to at least 90 energy collectively.

Unless the tanks are decently geared over the difficulty, they will not be able to survive Soul Reaper without at least 90 anduin hope.

We recorded it with this thing. Would this be useful?
(* Link to raid log removed because no one responded after 4 days *)

Has nothing to do with “mechanics mattering” - Normal Mode raids do not have one-shot mechanics that wipe the raid. If they ever have one shot mechanics - it only kills that one person. However, Anduin’s one shot mechanic will kill 4 people if one person messes up, which is a raid wipe.

These types of mechanics are withheld until Heroic/Mythic, they use a toned down version for Normal to get raid groups used to it.

But for some reason, they just didn’t tone it down on Anduin, which is why he created a bottleneck in Normal, to the point I have AotC friends who find Heroic Lords and Rygelon easier than Normal Anduin.

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Okay, thanks, so it’s just a matter of doing it until there is zero mistake? We’ve decided to do heroic for a while until and circle back to this later. Normally we’re pretty strict about finishing Normal before we do Heroic, if for no other reason than to allow everyone to catch up.

If any Blasphemy explode (aka not matched), it almost always kills the 2 that explode, and then the 2 they were supposed to pair with will die if they don’t use a significant defensive when the timer runs off.

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I’l have a look at the other wipes when I get an opportunity, so ai’ve only looked at the last at the moment.

What seems to have happened is you had a few avoidable deaths at 6 mins, bit of a weird one, but your WW taunted the mob in the down phase and died to a melee, following which your tank down must have been low as he also falls immediately to another melee, and then your healer immediately after. (Did only those 3 end up going down for some reason?)

Then during the second LK phase your tank dies again but this time to the wall (not sure how many times you have seen Intermission 2 but there is a death wall of undead in it), at this point I’d imagine you had no battle rez left to pick him back up and had to wipe.

When I get to a PC I’ll have to have another look and see the others, see if there is any consistency between the wipes, but on my mobile I can’t view the record which makes it a bit difficult.

if a dps taunts it’s usually because a tank called for a taunt. It’s unusual but it happens.

Good, he SHOULD be hard. He isn’t just some random monster being kept in the dungeon, hes a major lore character being possessed by two of the most powerful villains we have ever fought in world of warcraft. I get that it may seem out of place compared to the rest of the bosses, but we have already seen things like this historically. Not every normal boss needs to be an easy fight. Bosses like anduin build players ability to think about and do mechanics. If only one person dies to the mechanic, in an already toned down version of the raid, then frankly, unless your group is terrible, it doesn’t matter. When 4 people die to it, people have to pay attention, learn, and do the mechanic. As I said, LFR is there if you want to AFK through it.