Anduin and the title of "supreme commander of the Alliance" (spoiler)

Until we get it right.

Not the peace part. The conquering the Alliance part.


Fair enough :gift_heart:

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(Commentary): When I find people lobbying criticism against Varian for the Council of Three Hammers, I never hear them address the alternative to Varian acting, which would’ve been Moira removing Ironforge from the Alliance to consolidate power for herself, and then a devastating Civil War within Ironforge that probably would’ve turned the city into a grave when everyone sealed inside died. But, sure, Varian is a tyrant and a horrible person for preventing bloodshed and establishing a council to ensure a dwarf Civil War does not lead to the utter decimation of the race.


The point is not, that he prevent ironforge from a terrible bloodshed, its more his legitimation to do, how he have done it.


(Observation): Seems to me that declaring it legitimate or otherwise would’ve fallen to the Dwarves to decide and, as a matter of fact, they like the Council of Three Hammers and have never attempted to undo it.


I can’t tell if Blizzard did this on purpose or not but Anduin straight up cares about the Horde more than the Alliance in BfA. It is obvious, and frankly pisses me off because I was sold on an expansion about faction pride and instead got a dumbass 18 year old boy running my faction and making every which excuse for the opposing faction and trying to protect them after they committed genocide.

I get that you, and many Horde, didn’t ask for or want to be apart of that and frankly shouldn’t have had to be apart of that, but from the Alliance perspective it really freaking sucks just having our leader do everything he can to avoid getting retribution while the rest our leaders fall in line even when it doesn’t make sense. That doesn’t inspire faction pride at all.


It has more to do with blizzard’s writing laziness when it comes to the Alliance. They have no passion for the Alliance outside of a handful of human characters, and are obsessed with maintaining the “Lawful Stupid Overdrive” bent regardless of the damage it does to other racial narratives.

Writing about the blandest form of Humans in fantasy and hyping up how awesome they are is childishly easy. And favoring one race over others does the non-human races a disservice since they are also player characters.

No one should have their experience devalued simply because of the choice they made at the starting screen.


I’'ve gone through at length why none of these three are fit. Greymane in particular has a lot of bad blood among Humans for the way he handled the refugee situation during Scourging of Lordaeron.

Because we are talking about the meta reason why it happened. Moira came back not because Blizzard wanted to write some exciting stories about her times with the Dark Irons, but to justify eliminating the dwarves from the Varian equation.

Blizzard cares so little for Moira is so little that she’s a hollow shell of a character who only exists anymore to echo Anduin’s beliefs.


Genn, like any good king, was prioritizing his own peoples protection over everyone elses. I don’t fault him one bit for how he handled it. But I may be a bit biased :gift_heart:


You mean the right decision and one that saved his people? I wouldn’t want him to be High King anyways. We don’t need the Gilneans losing anymore of their identity by having their King put on the throne in Stormwind.


Blizzard keeps having the “High King” behave on screen as the King of the whole Alliance (which would then actually be an “empire”). It being hereditary, the King making the decisions on the composition, etc. They then say “well, off-screen this was ratified by the other members”.

IRL, there can be a fine line between “first among equals” and “they rule”. And this kind of stuff would be interpreted as an Alliance that is on the edge of becoming an empire.

That means he’s not a good candidate to lead an Alliance that’s composed of “everyone else”.

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I just feel the difference is, Genn wouldn’t needlsy throw away lives on a suicide mission like Anduin did in Daz’alor, or refuse to help Tyrande like Anduin did. He’s not going to waste peoples lives, because like him or not. The man does care.


That shouldn’t be a position that exists anyways. It’s an ALLIANCE not an Empire. Should the Alliance have a commander of the military comprised of all the Alliance forces? Yes. Should that be Anduin? Hell no.


The people he left to die on the other side of the Greymane Wall might disagrree… if they hadn’t been torn arpart by the Worgen, Scourge, or Forsaken or the regular wolves that frequented the area.

He’s changed somewhat since then, but people do have long memories. Those who lost people there might not be happy with Stormwind being subordinated to a kingdomless king with that history.

Anduin is the only candidate that doesn’t have crippling baggage attched.


We’ll just have to agree to disagree. Anduin has his own baggage and people have legitmate gripes about how he’s handled the horde and certain situations concerning his allies. :gift_heart:


While I don’t agree that Anduin should have that sort of power (assuming it was his choice and his choice alone for the appointment) I’m not seeing why Turalyon would be a bad choice. He’s spent the last 1000+ years of his life in war. And while sure, there would be plenty of night elves or draenei eligible for the role as well, you can’t simply take away Turalyon’s merits just because he’s a human.

I’m hoping we see some sort of event where this sort of thing is put up for consideration, what candidates are offered, etc. But since this is Alliance lore and story we’re talking about, fat chance of that happening.

In this case, I could see the position recommended to a night elf/draenei candidate who themselves would refuse due to either focusing on local conflict or recovery efforts. In that regard, Turalyon is pretty much just sitting around twiddling his thumbs so he’d be a great choice.


He would make a aweful choice. The dudes been away for over a thousand years. He has no idea what the currently politcal climate is like and the alliance is completley different than the one he left all those years ago. But that’s me.

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Let’s be honest.

The political situation around Azeroth isn’t that complex. Know your allies, know your enemies. Make plans to further your sides goals. You are now ready to be thrust into the high stakes World of Warcraft.