Should it be hereditary? Also no. The Night Elves, at least, learned that 10,000 years ago, with the likes of Stareye, and it’s only plot contrivance that they’d go along with it now.
Blizzard have always claimed that High king was just a military title yet have always treated it as more emperor of a Empire.
They want Anduin to be “in charge” of the alliance without actually calling him emperor Anduin because it has a negative stigma. So because Anduin would never be associated with something Negative they call it high king to try to distract the player and keep telling us we are wrong when we point out he acts more like a dictator than a commander.
Basically they treat the player base like they think we are idiots yet its just the sad state of their writing they can’t write a nuanced story.
It’s funny because playable Worgen are literally cursed humans. We knew that from the day of their introduction.
You’re not a feral beast, you are a Gilnean that happens to have a werewolf curse like Genn.
Have you done the heritage armor questline? Tess points out that we are Gilneans first, humans, not beasts.
And you know…it’s the truth. The other races I agree with, but playable Worgen are a bad exampe.
We picked Worgen, because we want to play Wolf Men. Not Angry humans with a skin condition. Why do so many have trouble understanding this? I mean it’s not exactly a complicated concept.
I am just saying how Blizzard handled the Gilnean story from the start. They didn’t choose the angry approach at all. And they won’t, considering what we saw in the very recent heritage armor questline.
I agree with you actually. I wanted Gilneans to be different. They are not. They are just another playable human kingdom like Stormwind and Kul Tiras with a skin condition as you said, unfortunately.
It shouldn’t be you are correct, especially since Varian was given the title by the rest of the Alliance (which is a whole other issue), there is no reason why once he died the title shouldn’t have gone to a vote to see who gets it. I guarantee Anduin wouldn’t have gotten it, but nah it just defaults to him because Blizzard has to keep the Wrynns in charge of the Alliance.
And this. Gilneans are “cursed humans” but that is their whole thing. That is their fantasy element, because last I checked werewolves don’t exist in real life, as Galenorn said if you know one I have questions.
Also Worgen, are not just cursed humans. The curse fundamentally changes the person forever, when they die their soul is a worgen soul, when worgen die they revert to their lupine form because that is their “true form” (even the Darkflight ability in game says transform into your true form and run faster).
Psychologically worgen are different from Humans, they may hide it well, or more like Blizzard isn’t good at showing it in-game, but they are different. Every worgen has a desire to hunt and kill, they are driven by animal instincts that they have to fight against to remain “civilized”. All the ritual did was make it so that they weren’t mindless monsters anymore but all the primal instincts and rage from Goldrinn are still there. Normal Humans don’t deal with any of that.
So no, Worgen are not just cursed humans. They are better more like wolves in sheep clothing, only in this instance the sheep clothing is their human form.
Honestly, If you feel your experience is “devalued” based on your own biases and expectations, that’s on you, not on Blizzard. Only YOU have the power to devalue your own playing experience.
The Throne of Stormwind isn’t the Seat of the High King. The Seat of the King King would be the Seat of Power of their respective nation… Which would be difficult for Genn to claim.
(Commentary): Except there was never any reason to, “eliminate the dwarves from the Varian equation.” Ironforge and the dwarves have been staunch supporters of humanity, and specifically Stormwind. There was never any reason Magni wouldn’t have been comfortable with Varian taking the lead on things. I think people are reading into this what they want to read into it. It’s not as if Varian removed Tyrande and established a new High Priestess for the Night Elves, or as if he removed Velen and proclaimed Maraad the new High Exarch of the Draenei, etc…