Anduin and the title of "supreme commander of the Alliance" (spoiler)

I completely agree. I don’t agree with it myself, but it seems an obvious reason.

I do find it interesting. Everyone always says things like “this is fantasy the fantasy races should be the stars” but the main characters are usually the humans anyway.

In wow this is probably the case because their equivalent, the orcs, were reduced to a background race to the elves of either the blood or undead variety. /Shrug

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This will vary from person to person, but the safe bet will always be to lean towards something that the masses will consider relatable instead of what a niche set of consumers will find more enjoyable.

Also, people have a tendency to say they want one thing, and act contrary to their statements.

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No that is not the case. When the Kul Tirans were welcomed. Every faction leader was there, includong Fareeya. During the Blood War epilogue she is there(curiously Umbric was absent)

God I hate Anduin. Just ignore the fact that the Horde was complict in genocide and followed Sylvanas up until she called them nothing… They have changed. Trust me.

Seriously I would love for once to have his ideals tested and see if he is still ringing that tune if it was Stormwind Sylvanas burnt to the ground with the help of the Horde. If it was the innocent human civilians, children included, would he still be preaching peace? It sure as heck is easy for him to do it when it was the Night Elves halfway across the world that suffered at the Horde and not him and his kingdom.

I love that Genn basically, albeit nicely, tells him that he is an idiot and Tyrande is right. The Horde can’t help themselves and will come for war again. But this scene is the perfect example of people just falling in line with Anduin and the story bending over backwards to fit his narrative. I feel like half the people in that room should be against just rolling over and not holding the Horde accountable and yet they just do… OOC nonsense.


Everyone saw it coming considering Varyan was given the same storyline as Thrall and was voiced by Metzen.

The dude created a good world with a lot of different takes on classical races but the guy has some serious fanboyism problems with his characters.

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The Alliance is a collection of Eastern Kingdoms. Kings and queens.

It’s hard to shake that when all their main characters are all related in some way.

I bet after Turalyon and Alleria muck up the peace armistice we’ll see all eastern kingdoms reunited while the orks reassert their identity within the Horde.

New heroes, grander cities. More cities/fortresses all over Kalimdor.

The exodus of all Alliance races south of Aszhara from Kalimdor. The militarisation of the Nightelves in Hyjal and Darkshore and probably Ashenvale and Felwood.

Lots of border redrawing. All sorts of fun!

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Gilneans/Worgen better get Gilneas back.


Agreed wholeheartedly

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No he specifically mentions he does not trust the Horde. But that there are bigger things to deal with, namely at the time a literal Old God trying to reoriginate the world.

Varian had experienced his city burn because lf the Horde. He still chose peace. Anduin made certain he probably wouldnt know what to do/if he might act like Tyrande/hopes it never happens to him but honestly, I think he would be more like Jaina if something terrible did happen.

Even Jaina, a person who has lost so much is willing to see the world in less black and white terms.

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Because Blizzard are Horde fanboys… Okay no, but really that is only because the Horde is a playable faction because realistically Jaina should want the Horde completely obliterated military wise and then have all the races separated to never have contact again. All of the Alliance should want that after the Horde has attempted 4 genocides since coming to Azeroth, and they seem to fall in line and follow their genocidal warchief with ease.

(Observation): Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves are both in this strange situation where they have a leader and a racial leader. Umbric and Fareeya are the racial leaders of the Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei, but their forces are led by Alleria and Turalyon. At least with Alleria Blizzard calls her a Void Elf.


I wish we had the option to leave Anduin the Maw. Never to be seen or heard from again. He is such a narrative black hole alliance side. I don’t know many people who actually LIKE his character. At least Varian grew on people and we got to see him mature and go from Rage Machine to a caring father before his death.


Honestly? Malfurion.

That…sounds like pretty wise leadership to me.


Neutering an allies ability to effectively lead their own people should a calamity happen is not what I would call Good Leadership. But that’s me :gift_heart:


To be fair, I like Anduin’s character. The issue is, as you said, he is a narrative blackhole.

I blame this on him both being a Wrynn and leading the Alliance. Blizzard has such a hard on for the Wrynn family that since Cataclysm the Alliance story has to revolve around them. And the problem with Anduin as the leader of the Alliance is that it is just nonsensical, it makes no sense that everyone follows an 18 year old. None.

Even worse is half of the Alliance should be telling Anduin to shove off at his idea of just sweeping everything the Horde did under the rug, but they don’t they just fall in line with his ideals and beliefs and are written OOC just because he is the leader.


Dealing with a potential political rival while consolidating the overall organization without having to resort to violence is to me.

We’ll trade ya for the right to resettle Theramore with Forsaken without having Jaina drop an ice comet on us.


Especially when we have the likes of Tyrande, Velen, and Genn around. People with actual experience in dealing with the Horde. Last thing the alliance needs is a Boy who will sacrifice everyone under him to maintain an artificial peace with the horde.


Sure, but that’s the first thing the Horde needs.

Until the horde breaks it that is. Again. For the what? 4th or 5th time?