Anduin - A Class Question

So, would Anduin be classified as a Paladin now? He used to be a priest, but took up the martial skills, and basically became a Paladin. So would he still be a Paladin, or would he be a Death Knight now? Or is he a Lich King, with Kel’Thuzad loyally following him?

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He’s a Paladin.

But at the moment he’s a Death Knight, although hes possessed not dead/corrupted.

Anduin’s a priest. Paladins aren’t just priests in plate armor. They’re physically infused with the Light through a ritual and have their own sets of codes and skills they live by.

Anduin’s done none of that. And Blizz has always told us that Anduin is still a priest. Lore characters aren’t bound by class gameplay rules. As a king he’s not going to stroll out there in a dress and he has to know how to fight.

Right now he’s neither priest or death knight. Anduin’s being possessed and isn’t in control of himself at all. Even though it’s a Death god possessing him, he’s still very much alive. Anduin right now is basically just the Jailer acting through another body.


Not as bad as Tyrande being a priest using hunter/moonkin/demon hunter abilities.

Anduin’s class is King, spec is Priest.


Something worth remembering about these kinds of questions is that hero characters (NPC’s like Anduin, Sylvanas, Vol’jin, Thrall, etc), they’re all things that also borrow from other things.

Honestly, I do not think Anduin is a paladin, but rather a mix of warrior and priest much like how Tyrande is a mix between hunter and priest. The reason for this is because in the BFA cinematic, we saw Anduin wielding martial weapons like a sword, and wearing plate, but nothing he did was particularly paladin-like. He even uses Shockwave, no doubt taught to him by Greymane, or perhaps something he learned from watching his dad while he was still alive. Greymane in the short story regarding Teldrassil is also found teaching Anduin outside the castle in a courtyard.

To be a paladin within WoW’s universe means one must internalize the light. The blood knights drained the naaru for it, and the humans / draenei earn it through faith. Priests use the light on an external level. I think it’s much more accurate to say Anduin is a priest who also possesses warrior skills, and not a paladin.

That’s just my take though.


Anduin was never once a Paladin. He’s always been a Priest and is currently being mindcontrolled.

He is a puppet that’s his class


People can actually be multiple classes at a time. I recall a pandaren monk trainer on said she knew how to heal using water(shamanism) and light(priest) but decided to settle on monk healing because she preferred it.

Anduin in a main NPC and therefore isnt restricted the way our player characters are. What he is, is basically what the devs say he is.

My thoughts are that he is a priest who took on plate armor in order to look more martial for his appearances on the field. He is still at heart a priest until they tell us otherwise.

This is a reasonable definition.

When a paladin changes to the death affinity they become a Death Knight, but when a Priest turns to the death affinity they become a necromancer. So Anduin is now a Necromancer, but he has always held a sword instead of a staff because he is a weirdo. If we were to go a step further as for his specialization under the Necromancer class we could just say he is a Mawsworn Nercomancer.

Anduin is everything in game that he wasn’t written to be.

  1. Anduin was said to be horrible with swordplay. His father did everything he could to teach Martial prowess; but instead Anduin took better to word and Archery.
  2. Anduin is said to not be a martial mind. He is wise for his age and charismatic. His strength is word and compromise. He would be an excellent ambassador.

Right now, Anduin is in a terrible spot where he plays like a Paladin. He needs to go back to what his character was made to be. A priest first. Shed the armor and give him his prince attire again.

Anduin is a priest with his fathers sword. Till they show him actually fighting with said sword and being more pally like hes a priest. Though as we know hes more death knightish now while still being alive.

You can be a dk without having been a paladin, otherwise the class/race combos would be the same for both pally and dk.

He’s pretty bad at swords in game too. Whenever the fight gets serious he does priest stuff. He only got the blue lady with a sucker strike.

I never said you had to be a pally to be a death knight

Lore heroes have never been restricted to player character class rules.

Yes, but your argument doesn’t support that priests would only become necromancers vs becoming a dk since there’s not a direct restriction.

And of course, using playable classes dk would be about the only relevant one.

why would a paladin become a necromancer for no reason when they already good with swords and have developed an affinity for melee weapons and why would a preist become a death knight when they’ve never touched a sword. its just common sense that they would stay in their lane if they changed from the light to death.

hes death knight now

Lore tends to treat paladins like mega-priests, to the point where the PRIEST ORDER HALL has a NIGHT ELF reroll to paladin right in front of you during the finale.