Anduin - A Class Question

I mean, human paladins were literally created because priests were too squishy and died too much during the First War.
So they taught a bunch of knights to channel the light.

Anduin wearing plate is kinda like the president wearing a bullet proof vest. It’s a good idea to keep his squishy butt alive.

And he’s not armor restricted the way we are.


Yeah, but we’re tlaking about the kid who has permanent pain from the time he was crushed by a bell. The kid who has to concentrate his magic to numb the persistent pain he’s in. Plate armor is hardly ideal for someone with perpetual pain.

Last I checked on the Paladin roster, he’s not on our list.

If anything, he’s a pseudo DK.

This is not confirmed to be canon.

It was only something done with the original human paladins

As though she hasn’t since WC 3.

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He is a priest but as a member of the royal famil of stormwind , he would be expected to take up the martial skills . He would also be expected to wear heavier armor then what a normal priest would wear as a matter of protection especially now that he is king.

People also have to remember that npcs especially major lore type ones are not subject to the same rules as player characters.

Up until the time he became world shaman in Cata , Thrall wore plate armor but he wasn’t a warrior .

He’s not a prince he is a King and the armor is for the king’s protection .

Unique characters often fall out of standard definitions.

Anduin is a Priest, he can just do things that other Priests cannot, like wear plate and use swords.

Because what’s the point of being nobility if you don’t have access to things the rabble can’t get?

Running through Maw for the fifteenth time along with a friend (who’s done it a little more) I had Thrall and Anduin with me, he had Horde Warrior and Stormwind Paladin. Neither’s right!

Major lore characters seldomly follow WoW’s class restrictions.

Tyrande is a Priest / Hunter / BDruid hybrid. Thrall is technically a Gladiator (Warrior) / Shaman dual class. Kael’thas was a sort of mix of a Warlock / Mage

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his class is “King” he operates under his own rules, which he apparently sets himself.

How is “Horde Warrior” incorrect?
Doesn’t Thrall not use his Shaman powers anymore because he lost his connection to the elements?

He did, yeah, though I hear he’s got them all back now. He was as much a warrior as Anduin was a paladin though.

The OG paladins were literally just warriors that were trained to use the Light, or, in the case of Turalyon, a priest that was trained at arms.

No prizes for guessing what Anduin is.

Only difference between pre-BFA Anduin and post-BFA Anduin is that he can wear plate and basically auto-attack with a sword (like a mage or warlock). That’s not enough to be a paladin.

The only correct answer in this thread

He is a Priest in the lore. In fact the abilities he used in the BFA cinematic were Priest abilities. As for your description of Priest and Warrior, in the lore that’s exactly what Paladins are. Priests were being slaughter on the battlefield during the second war, so they starting training warriors in the way of the Light. The paladins were born from warriors trained in martial combat with support priest abilities. Anduin however is a full on Priest.

Holy necro, Batman.


I thought he was being mind controlled? Meaning some other being is controlling him like a puppet against his will. If he was bad with martial arts and swordsmanship then that skill is with the being that is controlling him and not his own skill.

He is a priest. Although he could be the Cleric class which is a more power and more powerful version of the priests that has zero shadow abilities but are usually not as strong as a s paladin.