Well it has been ages ha ha. Yeah some names are hazy to me as well but they were surely familiar!
I dont recall Hansel but why does Yudash sound familiar lol.
Looking for Dosu, Spadeace, Alexandra, Zach, Zenar, Campsun and uh Nekromantix maybe. Would be cool to reconnect. Played warrior named Despair but dont remember to much from back then.
Someone took Lumina on Whitemane already cry
PS: You cant be on your live account and classic account at the same time…
Inncarnate, aftershocks, and coniptious here, looking for some old friends on aly side! Arthiel (baromil), Palindor, Calindor, Vainglory, Mortam, Gradgarly, Philtheforce, any of the guys from mutiny in TBC. Get at me, miss you guys. Plz come back!!!
Can I get the info on that discord server? Tvat#1644
Yudaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash Ninja Pirates From Space needs youuuuuuuuu
Cyric! You were basically GM along with Serenity for me. If you remember me, I was (Probably) an annoying fifteen year old NE Rogue named Misha who wanted to duel everyone all the time. I have a lot of fond memories from back then. I think the guild was named Apocalypse. Just wanted to say hey
Hey Lumina, Hit me up on B-Net. Gathiz#1926
We are on Herod Alliance side. Gonna try and weather the storm. I wouldn’t mind getting ahold of that Andorhal discord as well.
I wouldn’t mind the discord as well. I went Herod horde side. I hope there aren’t any queues!
We don’t roll horde
Will be alliance on Herod as well.
I talked my crew into playing alliance on Herod. What’s up guys.
Long live the Alliance— Go Go Herod PvP’s Gorgons#1555
Can you post the disc info? A few of us from Battery Operated are going Whitemane so this will be perfect. Herod is going to have some streamerztrollolols and is already experiencing pop caps its looking bad
Did you talk to Merfs already? We were on Facebook the other day thinking about just uniting the Whitmane Andorhal players and doing some “progression” raiding, if you can call it that. I think we have around 26 of us from Wicked Chaos and the like. Most of us want to go Horde on 'mane but yeah.
Booo. we’ll see you in Crossroads on whitemane Horde scum
Also I remember the name Merfs!!! Tank right? this brings back memories from TBC.
Oh count on it.
Sup dude! I’m currently hooked up with an Ally guild on Herod called Malicious Moogles. Experienced adult players wanting to have fun without drama. Casual raiding is the plan.
Sounds like Herod is going to be pretty full!
See ya there!