Andorhal Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Andorhal (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

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I went by Yukazi and was a Human Warlock.
I’m looking for former members of United Front such as Hellsentinel, Mandraika, Darice, and Wuusa but I’d love to get back in touch with anyone I used to play with.


This is Crystala from Avante Garde. I just found I still had an old character in this guild. Hopefully Hopeful or Miranda or someone is out there.

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Noho on Andorhal alliance and horde. Guilds I was a part of through vanilla were Einherjar, Untimely Demise (I think?), The Unforgiven, Eleventh Hour. Switched to Yaho towards the end of vanilla before transfering to Mal Ganis.

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Went by Coi (Human Rogue) and Felwalker (Gnome Lock), honestly can’t remember the guilds I was a part of, being young I tended to hop around a lot. If anyone’s interested a decent amount of Andorhal players ive managed to keep in touch with and I are going to be starting up a guild when classic drops, if anyone’s interested feel free to shoot me a message, likely going to be focusing more on wPvP.


Edit: We will be forming up on Thalnos - PvP East, Horde side as it apparently will be devoid of streamers.

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I started WOW on Andorhal as Azurik a Night Elf Druid. I didn’t hit 60 until BC came out but I was in God’s Archangels. Ark and Elmindrea were the guild leaders. I’d love to play again with some of the old crew. Manistine, Luron, Shaquita, Ishrala, Kekio, Kuabara, Vegito, or anyone else I missed hit me up.


Kurthas here. Night Elf druid. Met alot of people in Vanilla, but I never hit cap before TBC hit. Most would remember me from then. Myself and Manatee (gnome warlock) are returning. I also have contact with a handful of other old Andorhalians. Get at me bb

Edit: Looking like Thalnos Alliance is our first pick. Depending on server pops on reserve day.


Kurthas!!! You’re such a noob!!! lol. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mynta here, was in Death Merchants, Aggrophobia, and whatever Vainglory’s old guild was lol.

Server names were just released. Erey, Calidar, and I are all going to be rolling on one of them in a guild called Sanguine that is going to raid early on weekends and do world PvP during the week. Already have around 30 players committed. Probably a PST one but undecided on if we go EST. Would love to all roll on the same server!!!

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Midnight here from alliance side Andorhal. Looking for past friends from Gnome Cartel or We Spec For Trash. Playing with some others on Thalnos horde side. Hit me up Tvat#1644


Hail Friends, King Gaeamania I of Andorhal reporting for duty! We’re getting the band back together for WoW Classic. Ninja Pirates From Space is back baby and ready to re-dominate classic!


Now that is a guild I haven’t seen in a LOOOOONG time.

Hail friend!

Bring back the chaos! NPFS 4 lyfe

The Following Announcement, has been paid for by the Ninja Pirates From Space.

Coming to you live now on Herod! It has been said, so it shall be done! NPFS Classic, now a Faerlina Guild!

Or Herod…we package protected on both.

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Kurthas!!! Reignz and I (Kenjamin) are coming back. Would be awesome to get the gang back together.

Lerex (human warrior) from Twisted here. Starting back up with Thurst and a few others - forming an Alliance guild for one night a week raiding.

Name Helric was an officer of a guild named The knights who say wee.


Current guild leader of Death Merchants, granted at this point, I’m just holding the guild in case something happens one day in retail.

Going to reach out to other death merchants to see if they return.

Let’s do it baby. Thalnos Alliance side. Capisci?

Lumina, Night Elf Priest :smiley: I remember OC and Knights of Reckoning. The other guilds I joined were TBC/ICC. And I actually didnt start until July of 2007. I love seeing all these nostalgic names and guilds :smiley: