Andorhal Alliance Reconnections

So apparently the Spanish speakers are going to Faerlina, and the Portuguese are going to Thalnos. So stay tuned. We may switch to Herod. I have Reignz on bnet I’ll catch him at some point once I discuss with my peeps. Much love.

Mcgrady here, destroyer of guilds on Andorhal. Was in Heroic Legacy, Valiant, Eleventh Hour, Unknown, and Flaming Bunnies… all before they died of course!


Played alliance. Name was Ogilvy was a holy paladin through to BC hoping to find some old friends

The actual percentages of latin and portuguese speaking players on Faerlina and Thalnos is going to be far in the minority - if I were you i’d be more worried about the streamers all going to Herod.

Remember you man, I was in the guild for like a month before I rerolled Horde again as Yaho. I went Herod but horde side.

I remember my old friends
Merq - Dwarf hunter
Yudash - NE Hunter
Equinox - NE Druid
Psych - NE Rogue

Be awesome to see if they play, lost contact with them long ago.

Also I remember Ninja Pirates from Space!!

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Draculadx (Night Elf Warrior) here. Not sure if you recall playing with me, as I cannot even remember the name of the guild I was in. But for some reason your name rang a bell when I saw it =D

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I played Cyric, human Rogue. I believe that Serenity (NE Druid) and I were the first 60s on the server. Sadly, I don’t remember the name of the guild. I also played with Dosu, Poky and Governer.

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omg omg omg MCGRADY!!!


HEY. I was Thelongone, Dathris. fun times in Gnome Cartel!


I remember Yudash, was one of my best friend on WoW! I think his pet was named Hansel (nostalgia)


I had a priest and a mage I think. I think he was called Santaran (NE Priest) and my mage was called Mazirian.

I was in Ninja Pirates From Space and Valiant when NPFS disbanded.

If a NE hunter named Yudash or a NE Warrior named Beastredrum (Really not sure about the spelling) see this, please write me back!

@mazirian @gaeamania @elyrai @mcgrady @christus @mynta Do you need Hansel to make a return?!?


Thanatas from Heroic Legacy here. Playing on Herod, probably.

Hello ALL Andorhalians!! I along with some other former alliance AND horde frenemies are rolling together with a few committed raiding guilds who uniformly selected a server to avoid streamers and players from other countries.

We are going Whitemane.

People that are rolling here include players (so far) from the following guilds:

Death Merchants, Aggrophobia, Simple Math, Eleventh Hour, Follow the Reaper, Helter Skelter, Tranquility, Gnome Cartel, Wicked Chaos and Acheron. (There’s about 20 of us in the old Andorhal Discord who planned this a few days ago based on the server list.

If you want to reconnect I recommend you get in touch with me and I can direct you to the names I know have joined our Classic Andorhal Discord

Rumors are Vainglory might make a come back :wink:

To all fellow Andorhal players, join us on WHITEMANE and we can all play together :slight_smile:

Also if you are interested in joining the guild me and a few friends from Death Merchants are making (Me, Erey, Calidar, Itsamage, Tarro, Zeratul so far) we are going to be raiding weekends and ganking those Wicked Chaos noobs who dare mess with us


Yo - Im coming back too :wink:

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You live! Hey!

Hella yes!!!

AZ! what up! In a discord with Vegito and Teddygarham. Add me on B-Net, Gathiz#1926

Can you send the link for the Andorhal Discord? Discord name is Gath#3041