Andiun Must Have an Heir

Tess should have turned into a Worgen and married Anduin.

Anduin needs a therapist


Op,that’s a better thread title .

Did Rita get a haircut?

Didn’t your politician guy go on vacation while Australia was literally on fire? Great guy. You should keep him around…

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Scomo? Thankfully he’s no longer PM but apparently it was a lot worse then that unknown to like literally everyone he had used his power to become a mini dictator of sorts but even when he was in power still laughed at him


God I know I’ve been watching too many GoT things when I read this as “Aegon must have an heir”.

House of Dragon has been a lot of fun.

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Taelia Fordragon. Their personalities compliment each other quite well and each has strength/weaknesses that the other can bolster/temper. Plus they are cute together.

PS. Anyone but Wrathion! Those two are more like brothers.


It would be awesome if Turalyon goes unhinged and becomes a raid boss for us to kill over and over again :grin:

I have a feeling something like this is coming.

He has an heir. It is his pet chicken, Ser Chuck Cluckles the Magnificent.

Chuck Cluckles is the true hero–and king–of Azeroth.



That’s not how a medieval heir system works. An adopted kid would have no claim to the throne.

So staying single wasn’t a good option if you wanted your family to hang on to the throne.

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And delicious too :yum:

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This won’t happen. Kira is already engaged to Kiro.

It’s fine, people can be killed, lol.

Chuck Cluckles is impervious to your delicious frying fats!

He probably would taste good though. Galactic super chickens are a rarity.

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Its like people forget that men can have platonic relationships.

Honestly I’m all for LGBT characters. Dorian from Dragon Age is still my #3 favorite character in gaming. I liked him because he had an amazing personality back by a intriguing moral compass. I mean. He says he left his homeland because his father wouldn’t accept that he was gay, and tried to set him up with women to continue the family bloodline regardless of his son’s wishes. So he joins your party, because he wants to actually help people. Even later on with your help. Help his father reconcile with his son, leading to a touching moment where his father apologizes to him. Saying he hated himself for betraying his son’s trust, and wanted to let his son know that he now is proud of the man his son became, regardless if Dorian forgave him or not.

TL:DR Don’t make characters gay for the sake of being gay, then ignore the consequences of homosexuality in a Monarchy.

Instead. Recognize the challenges that homosexuality brings to one in such a society, and make it one more obstacle your character has to overcome.

I will not claim to be the voice of LGBT people. IMO what I described is what I would want were I part of such a community as them.

Yes he needs an heir to shore up his succession. I’m surprised he hasn’t been bethrothed to anyone yet. I propose any of the following:

  • Moira Thaurissian - to strengthen the bond between Stormwind and Ironforge
  • Jaina - to strengthen the bond between Stormwind and Kul Tiras
  • Tyrande - to strengthen the bond between humans and night elves (plus age is just a number)
  • Sylvanas - turn a dangerous enemy into an ally (plus they seem to like each other)
  • Calia Menethil - reunite the kingdoms of Lordaeron and Stormwind

Any of those would be great political matches for Andy.