Andiun Must Have an Heir


Two of those options are undead.

One of them is married.

One of them is more of an aunt figure to Anduin.

And the last one wouldn’t be interested, and would cause a political disaster as she is already a Queen.

Once again. Platonic relationships exist.

I mean, it has happened to the Horde on more than one occasion. It’s only fair. I’m pretty sure the Horde would have to borrow an Alliance character for the Alliance to pummel at this point. We’ve run out of all the most noteworthy ones.

Question is, does he have any aunts, uncles or cousins? Take the Plantagenets for example, all those cousins fought for a couple centuries over who should be king. That’s what the War of the Roses was all about.

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Come on now. We both know writers are incapable of writing the alliance as anything but the biggest smurf goody two shoes in existence

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Princess Tess Greymane will be his wife. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wrathion - will be his mistress! :smiling_imp:

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sylvanas wrynn has a nice ring to it

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