Andiun Must Have an Heir

Well, he has hair.


We would need to get Nathanos out of the way. I know he is dead and I think they implied she is searching for him.

Why are people so fixated on Sylvanas. She’s a corpse and in all the years WoW has been on they have had one (1[single]) friendly interaction.


Because we are all boomers desperately trying to relive our warcraft 3 days. Go easy on us, lol.


Well…that’s what she’s letting everyone believe. She’s actually just looking for Nathanos. This way, everyone thinks she’s getting “punished”. Once she finds Nat. She’s out.

No one ‘must have an heir’ that requires them to be blood related in this universe.

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I object to this thread.

It should be ‘an heir’, not ‘a heir’.

Carry on.

The original title was better (worse).


No, it’s actually “a hair”. He secretly went bald when the Jailer corrupted him (because the Jailer was jealous of his hair) and has been covering it up with a toupee ever since.

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Oh wow, you are right. The mod had it correct, I changed it because it sounded odd to me. I changed it back now.

Gonna come back to the throne as Trumduin, screaming about how him being gone for years or whatever is fake news and how he’s gonna “make Azeroth great again” :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Also before some American goes off… I’m Australian I laugh at all your politicians and believe they’re all equally as hilarious and bad :dracthyr_tea:

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Taelia Fordragon is who I think he should be with. They would have lovely kids


How do you reckon?

I certainly would prefer it, it makes the world more interesting and realistic. If there is a lore reason why it isn’t necessary, then I would rather it be retconed.

Regardless, the topic of the thread is a shipping thread, so I prefer we continue to do that because it’s fun.

I personally think they’re going to pull a Khadgar on him and have Anduin return to Azeroth as an old man as a result of being in the Shadowlands for years.

He probably won’t ever have children of his own.

Old Man Anduin will probably show up when they do the “Light vs. Shadow War” expansion (which is probably 11.0).

Man, I hope not. This would be way too depressing for me.

Realistically… i’d say he’d stay within his own race. in which case Tallia Foredragon would be a perfect match. Besides, she looks cute and swings a hammer the size of a small dog


It could definitely be an interesting couple, especially with both of their loves for adventure.

There was another thread already up for that - one I recall you said should ‘be removed’ among many other things. shrug

I never said any such thing. I have never advocated for the removal of any thread nor would I.

If Anduin is going to marry a rogue might as well be Tess. Bonus points for being Genn’s daughter and heir to …well what’s left of Gilneas.

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