Andiun Must Have an Heir

Uncomfortable, considering she has at least 15 years on him and was likely present around him a good few times when he was a small child.

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Paladins don’t need any help looking bad but yeah, that’s definitely the direction that plot is going.

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Please no

Like if they’re gonna force him into a straight relationship with some random character I want it to have more relevance and importance to the story and world building then “Well Anduin needs an heir”.

Like seriously whilst I absolutely hate to admit it the only other character that Blizzard have developed enough of a relationship with when it comes to Anduin for a relationship to not feel forced and out of nowhere atm is Wrathion

That’s all the importance you need in this kind of setting. He does need a heir, most marriages of that time were out of the necessity for a heir or political alliance. I like a little bit of realistic medieval stuff in my fantasy world.

It would feel just as forced with Wrathion, personally. It wasn’t like they bonded on any romantic level, and they would have to really sell it in a way that Blizzard isn’t competent enough to pull off.

Genn pressuring Anduin in the novel - even offhandedly - was uncomfortable enough. Leave the poor boy alone.


Which was wrong and absolutely messed up don’t need lore confirming that disgusting practice also happens in Azeroth.

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You are assuming he is keeping the Throne. Blizzard has actually implied he might abdicate it altogether.

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If memory serves, Tiffin and Varian’s marriage was arranged and they disliked each other initially.

Well, I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I would very much like to see those kinds of politics in this world because they make for interesting stories.

Would these be the same orphanages that randomly hand kids to complete strangers who then take them into dangerous situation including battlegrounds? I’ve often wondered if children’s week was just the orphanages trying to cull the surplus.


Yeah, kids from orphanages often don’t have happy endings.

All the Disney people are orphans (or half-orphans). They seem to come out of it okay!

Tbh it could feel a lil forced yeah but atm it would be the only one that makes much sense like the Characters he’s closest too and has well developed relationships with are Genn whos well for one married and more of a God Father, Velen who was like his teacher and Wrathion who he has really helped develop as a character and developed a sorta love/hate relationship with.

Like they really need to develop a lot more relationships for this boy if they want to have him in a relationship.

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This is a huge part of the problem with Blizzard’s Green Room Syndrome. Characters go sit in the green room for multiple expansions until they’re relevant again and it almost always feels ham fisted because it leads to questions like, “Why did the Ebon Blade let Koltira chill out in Sylvanas’s torture chamber from Cataclysm till Legion again?”

Otherwise, the obvious answer is that Anduin should get hitched with Vanessa Vancleef. The two of them bond over the mutual suffering they’ve had inflicted on them by the political machinations of Stormwind, Anduin lost his mother and later his father, Vanessa never knew her mother and lost her father. She’s impulsive and passionate, but able to plan for the future, Anduin is cautious and calculating but warm.

It’s the obvious answer that leaves the, “But it’d take writers better than Blizzard’s” elephant in the room. Blizzard’s unwillingness to acknowledge any event not purely related to the story of the moment is hamstringing WoW’s plot.


I would unironically love a story where Anduin adopts a kid because Genn has been yelling at him about getting an heir, and how he has to navigate fatherhood. With as much as we saw of Anduin’s relationship with his own father, it would be interesting to see it from the other side.

On the other hand, if we insist on getting him a lady friend in the process, clearly he should hook up with Li-Li Stormstout. They can bond over ditching their caretakers to have wildly age-inappropriate adventures on Pandaria!

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Steak is what’s for dinner.


It would be a loveless arranged marriage, to Jaina.

give it time. he will be with sylvanas and getting a son “soon ™”

theyre pretty cute. they got banter and he even secretly went to visit her in the maw.

seems pretty obvious just gotta wait for it heh

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Yeah, Genn would have some insane creepy implications if that did that. I hope they dont consider that.

It would remind me of the time people the animators of Killing Joke thought batgirl hooking up with batman was good idea.

Yeah, I agree if they do it they should work on it.

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