Andiun Must Have an Heir

Not in warcraft. point me to the adoption office---->

Imagine if they adopted the player character lmao

That is the most Hillbilly title I have ever read, based on that this is a crap post and is now muted. SMH.

Only if there is a story choice where I can kill them both and ascend the throne…as an orc.

Children’s week? Stormwind and Orgrimmar both have orphanages.


You are not a plane, there is no need to announce your departure.

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Can you imagine how much the “can’t we just be regular adventurers again” crowd would flip if the player character became monarch of all Azeroth?

I think a better direction for Anduin would be after his chat with Sylvanas in the Maw, the waygate broke and now he’s stuck in the Maw for like 100 years.

Oopsie daisy.

I mean the Horde seem to elect anyone to the throne so you could probably just walk up to it and become Warchief

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You soundin’ like one of 'em city slickers.


It would be hilarious!

Darnit! Youre right!!! Well played!

Thank you for restoring this thread.

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Lol it would be great comic story

Setting up a light vs Void expansion, the Mag’Har orc questline made the light look bad.

I think I get it now. He can’t breed as that’s loaded, divisive language and something only a straight can do, therefore it’s not allowed.

He’s gotta have an heir, which is more inclusive, as he could adopt someone or designate someone and that does leave the option for him and Wraithon to have a child together.

All makes sense. :smiley: