Andiun Must Have an Heir

It would be better if he never breeds, and his bloodline ends.

Where there’s a will there’s a way.

Its blizzard they can make sylvy give birth if they wanted to

OP I really, really hate how your worded the title.


Genn and Bolvar have daughters.

And since Flynntaelia isn’t a thing anymore…

I suppose he could marry a member of the Horde, though, too–so we can cement the joining of the factions or something.

Seriously…the title, tho…

facepalm headdesk


We are talking about heir, and marrying someone who can provide him with heir.

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I’m giving it an expansion or so until they figure out a way for him to hook up with Sylvanas to have a creepy half-undead baby as the next heir to Stormwind.

They should have killed her off in SL, and had Anduin remain King.

Nope, either through the sternum (with a nice crunchy sound) or between the ribs are way more direct. The stomach approach can work but is either not really messy or just too messy and then error-prone … oh wait … you had a different “way to a man’s heart” in mind?!


Eh, I don’t know. Isn’t she kind of motherly to him?

Easily solvable, Sylvannas will kill them in a cutscene.

We forsaken prefer through the ribcage… that way the heart is still beat…

Oh I get it. Nevermind, carry on :stuck_out_tongue:


What a title

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I kinda like this. A true union of Azeroth by having a new queen being a member of the horse… though that begs the question, who is the daughter of the head of the horde… there isnt a warchief anymore so.

or each Horde member can send a suiter for Anduin to pick from ( or take them all)

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I mean, her body is still there so he could cast resurrect.

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Adoption is a thing. Anduin and Wrathion should adopt a son to become king. Would make for an interesting story.

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did we forget that Sylvanas is tracking lost souls in the Maw as her penance and sentence from tyrande

Ah yes … the good ol’ days of Mola Ram.

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Guy fails to see hes the zombie…

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Well he’s not a kid anymore but I don’t see Turalyon being the regicide type. More likely He’d pull a Richard the 1st palm the throne off to one of the other Nobles then go charging off on a crusade.

There are always some undead in need of purgin’.