And just like that! The other WoW community is asking for changes

I don’t need to link but take a look in the other general discussion forums

Already asking for changes, and I’m sitting here like, that’s what we are playing now…


As rough as this past week or two has been to our forum here, let’s not start cheering for discordance in other communities. Let’s be better than that.


Let’s not generalize entire communities; not even GD speaks for the majority of WoW players. Only the vocal minority will ever be the ones who use this forum actively whereas the majority spends their time actually playing the game they enjoy.

I will say, however, that everyone’s personal “perfect” version of the game is going to be different from the guy next to them. Some people say Wrath was the highlight of WoW, others MoP, and more others Legion. The true perfect version of WoW would probably have to be constructed like Frankenstein’s monster, pulling various and disparate features and ideologies from different time periods across WoW’s 15 year lifespan.


yeah and most of those threads end up being a whole lot of nope.jpg from the rest of us. I am not even convinced the ones making the threads aren’t just stupid forum trolls tbh.

Cause thats what the current WoW forums has become. Nothing but trolls then users responding to trolls…

A forum for a video game is a horrible place to gauge anything. It is full of idiots like you and I.

Had a chat last night in classic… guy complaining about lack of funds but admitting to buying quite a bit of armor and weapons on the AH because level 9 mobs were wiping him… I really didn’t say anything after my original comment… But he was implying that Blizzard needed to up the ability to gain money etc… Others were

“Welcome to Classic”… It is what you asked for… I’ll stick by that statement and don’t believe that they should make any changes to it. That is what they wanted, that is what they should get. Period.

Pretty sure that one thread demanding to use store mounts her boyfriend got her was a troll.

No, if you want your nostalgic expansion to be changed what it should been then they need to play World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth

We’re sick and tired of these Classic player trolls coming to GD and trolling this forum so lets make troll threads in GD about them!


Fixed that for you, OP


Why? It’s not like being the better people will make them go away.

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Who’s side to believe when constant spam is about changes?

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Ah, constant spam, what a reliable source.

Don’t forget to cite that in APA format

Not MLA format?

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Why hasn’t this Classic thread been flagged into invisibility?

Why are people not screaming its in the wrong forum?

What’s wrong with YOU people?

:smiley: All in good humor folks, nothing serious here.

Either would work! APA is more commonly used for research and MLA is more common amongst humanities



I do think it’s a little rude, however, to ask for citations in APA without at least linking to Purdue OWL…


To be fair, lots of Classic folks are now posting in the Retail forums.

Not gonna lie - I got out a bit ahead of the average Classic player, wasn’t able to make groups to do dungeons after WC, decided to take a couple days off to let the median level increase a bit… tried Retail again.

It’s really not as awful as I remember. The changes they’ve made since 8.0 to 8.2 actually made my class feel good again, there’s quite a bit to do in the world, there’s stuff to try and unlock/achieve, and I’m even inclined to give raiding and Mythic+ a shot after I get an entry set.

No rule saying you can’t enjoy both.

That’s fair, but tbh OP was tossing around some meticulously analyzed data so I just assumed…


Loghain, B. (2019). #NOCHANGES WILL INEVITABLY KILL THE GAME. retrieved from #NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

(for fun.)