Just like the title says, Anakin was always a wolf in sheeps clothing like people that favor RDF. As ive sat back and rewatched SW E1, 2, and 3 and clone wars its become quite evident that Anakin should’ve never been trained in the force like these pro rdf’ers should’ve never been given such a tool as rdf and lfr. They just can’t be trusted with such power as once it was put into the game they now can’t let go. They refuse to leave capitals. Refuse to quest. Farm materials or play with professions and like Anakin that inevitably became Darth Vader pro rdf’ers will become cold blooded pixel killers. This can not come to pass and we all know Blizzard loves to help out and support minorities but these pro rdf’ers are corrupt and pure sith. Some of their sith lords linger on the forums here and they must be stopped no matter the cost. Only with your support and effort can we push these sith back from which they came and stop them from obtaining full power over the World of Warcraft community. Stay strong brothers and sisters, the war for classic wotlk has just begone and may the force be with you.
(If this post gets deleted it was because the sith have already infiltrated the Blizzard forum moderators)
I totally get what you’re saying, and btw I too love Star Trek.
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So this is another Anti-RDF post, huh?
No. Its a plea to our fellow classic players that wish to only save our classic community stop the evil sith from completely taking over.
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And who are the evil Sith you’re referring to?
I want RDF - am I a Sith?
It’s so much more than that.
If you have to ask…
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I know it’s a troll post, but an accurate understanding of Anakin is understanding the failure and arrogance of the council. So focused on a prophecy they ignored everything else around them, which allowed cracks to be infiltrated and expanded, all the up until their own walls were collapsing in on them.
Anakin was just a side effect. The first three movies could easily be called the Tragedy of Skywalker. He’s a villain due to circumstance, not so much choice.
Anakin: We should send all Guh-nomes back to Gnomeregan.
Padme: To help them retake the city?
Anakin: …
Padme: To help them retake the city, right?
A close eye on you we must keep.
Yup if they would of promoted Anakin to Jedi Master which he deserved he never would of been sucked into Palpatine’s lies.
Yeah they need to stop. It’s the second one this month, and it’s getting out of hand.
In keeping with OP: “Now there are two of them!”
TLDR: “you think you do but you don’t”
Yeah yeah, we’ve heard it before. Now give us WotLK not WotLK reimagined.
Han shot first
You have smoked yourself retarded
/waves hand
“That is not the wotlk you think you want.”
That stuff only works on people simping for the empire.