An Update on Shadowlands

Thanks for doing the right thing!

Excellent decision! Please release a good product instead of a rushed product. Hopefully you all will realize that communication with the player base is the most important thing.

Don’t listen to the streamers and the influencers. This is a bad decision, you’re still going to release something half-finished and expect us to play it twice as long (I mean, you’re still using the same people who made BfA, right?), and you just made every single person who subbed for October and beyond pay you for something you aren’t delivering.

Unless you extend the subs of everybody who prepaid through this month and next (or, better yet, refund them), you just straight up stole money from people on a lie.


Thank you Blizzard! Thank you!

Ok, call back your boss, tell him change of plans and that’s it ?

I can understand the decision, but I’m extremely disappointed.

I have taken time off for every single previous expansion release, and was looking forward to doing so again.

now I have a week PTO that I cannot reschedule that I must take for no reason, and I won’t be able to take more time when the game launches. It sucks.

I am sure that I’m not the only customer in this position. It’s not great, and you (blizzard) don’t deserve all the back patting you’re getting here for it.

You’re going to take the time you need, but I hope you also recognize that you’ve pretty much hosed a lot of your customer base over this.


Because I totally want to be a tourist during a GLOBAL PANDEMIC


Thank you for flagging my comment as not appropriate. I just told you how I feel about your customer service

People say that because they can’t think for themselves.
The maw doesn’t look good, and I’m not going to like it after they make changes to it either.

That’s my point.

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The sooner a new date is announced the better… I had vacation time in that I will need to cancel now and put in again…

Although I am happy that you decided the game needs more polish, I am pissed you waited so long to tell us. I requested two vacation weeks from work for Shadowlands and now it is too late to go back on those weeks? What am I supposed to do now? I’ll have 2 weeks off to literally do nothing and now I won’t be able to take any time off for the actual game? You have no idea how much you just screwed me over when you could have just decided this over a month ago. What the actually f*** blizzard. I am beyond livid right now

Thanks! Take your time, we are happy with the delay!

Good call, the beta is so bugged that at times it’s barely playable.

To lose something you first need to have it.

Good call Blizzard, looking forward to a polished expansion. :slight_smile:

Thank you blizzard.

Definitely the right move, good on them.

Right decision. If you guys need more time, have more time. We can handle the anxiety to experience the Shadowlands. Now I gotta find a way to renegotiate my offdays at work…

Thank you so much for making the right decision, its been a long time since I have honestly believed you guys cared about the players opinions on this game more than the money you could make for doing a half a$$ job. I’m starting to feel the hype for shadowlands.

Because COVID is such a death sentence for normal, healthy people.