An Update on Shadowlands

Agree - I’m perfectly fine with them taking the time they need to finish it, but since they have announced pre-patch it does seem like they might have an idea in mind and having that date would be nice to reschedule vacation time around. /shrug

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It was obvious that it was no where near ready. Now the question is about the prepatch.


That great news take your time make it WoW great. Love you guys keep up the great work.

With the Shadowlands expansion release being delayed, please allocate more development time to finalizing and polishing the worgen backpedal/backwards “Run” animations.

It is abundantly clear that many players are super unhappy with the current versions on the PTR.

I was planning on getting rona around the 26th so I could have time off work :frowning:

wooo cant wait to see what else is nerfed from shaman due to the extra time


This is unacceptable. I do not care if the game is delayed, as it clearly needs more time. However, to turn around and NOT give a NEW release date is unbelievable, even for Blizzard. Give your customers the date, so we can we plan.

I’m so pissed. As if two weeks or whatever is gonna fix all the issues. Ridiculous.


I am sad that I won’t be able to play SL as soon as expected, but I am infinity more happy that the expansion is getting the polish it deserves. There are so many exciting changes coming that I was worried they would be over shadowed if there wasn’t as much testing as I am sure the devs want. I would to see more focused testing coming in the next few weeks - specific things we can go test each day or week so we can give the devs the support they need. Thank you Blizz for acting like the Blizzard we all loved years ago, only release the game when it’s ready.


Not upset one bit. Rather have you all feel confident and ready for launch. Looking forward to when you polish it up. =)


Really disappointed that prepatch is still so far away.


This is HUGEEE news, and im so happy they decided not to release it, when they KNOW that this expansion could be as good as it can be.

thank you.


Disappointed, but at the end of the day… I’d rather you do it right then rush it.

Thanks for caring about quality and keep up the good work!

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“It’s better to rush home from work to play a good game than to be on vacation playing a horrible game”. Something like that.


Seriously blizz… take all the time you need to make shadowlands a good expansion, don’t rush it out the door in a poor state just to make holiday sales season!

It is better to have a bar of gold in a few months… than a bar of $%^& right now.


Great decision take as long as needed to release a polished and fixed product as from playing beta for past 3 months the game was not in a fit state to release yet.

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Thank you!

Incoming PR nightmare…


This should have been done a long time ago. It’s too close to release now and people already made plans/took off work. Very unprofessional.


Thank you for delaying. Now we can finally get some decent rewards for the pre patch and class updates. We can also get updates to the maw and covenants so they are not as broken. The legendaries also need some work just like conduits. Thank you.

Good Move Blizzard. Makes sense to do this. Will be happy with the substantial pre-patch leveling and customization changes come the 13th. :smiley: