Shadowlands delayed, hope for shamans

With “polish and tuning” being the reason for the fall behind, maybe shamans still have hope


Maybe. It’ll probably just be Covenant tuning. Though my favourite comment on the announcement thread has to be this one

I do have genuinely have hope the balance team takes this extra time to look at everything overall and maybe Shaman will come out of this a little better


We should make a bingo board

edit tbh from what i have played on the PTR i have been liking ele shaman.

All i want is some defense so when i play enhance in a bg, the entire enemy team doesn’t all turn towards me the second i step on the field because ez squishy GG. That mentality is so ingrained in the pvp populace, that i kinda wish blizz would actually overbuff enhancement survivability for a patch cycle to kind of change that thought pattern a little. Enhance shamans in bgs are like teemo in league of legends. Hidden global taunt ability.

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It would be my luck if they fixed Shamans… I abandoned mine back in WOD… I just couldn’t handle how they destroyed them. I went back to my mage… but i still love my poor ele. shaman… I leveled him to 120… but it was painful compared to my 120 Fire mage. Here’s keeping our fingers crossed… the delay fixes them.

One can only hope.

Let’s push them in the right direction as much as possible though.

Overhaul Necrolord Soulbinds and Necrolord Enhancement. Feral Spirits update and defense added?
December 1st launch would be my guess. Two months from now. Is that enough time to tune conduits, Soulbinds, PVP, fix Feral Spirits, fix Mana, and fix our defense? Also the Maw seems far from finished and Torghast seems odd to me in that the first levels are the hardest but then it gets easier, feel like it should be flipped?

They also said prepatch is live on october 13th, so that’s the limit for class changes imo. They must be solely focusing on covenants and legendaries after that, if not right now.

Shamanistic Rage would be very welcome…I mean the 30% DR in a stun wouldn’t be overpowered but help quite a lot

Primal Strike useful?

Why? Just because they are letting people play around with the class changes in a non-PTR setting?

Fix flame shock, potency conduits, and our talents (most of them are either to good to pass up or complete garbage)

Primal Strike, while utter garbage, serves the purpose of letting new players know Shaman have a melee spec and playstyle.

Credit where credit is due. They needed more time assessed the situation and decided to delay the game.

Will they use the time wisely to improve classes / specs or just covanant balance? Who knows. Time will tell.

As for the pre patch being a cut off for class balance. I doubt that. Im sure there will be balance and other changes, Although I extremely doubt we will see any major changes from here on out (eg 2H enh). Most is set in stone.

Perhaps things will be better for shaman, and all the other classes. Mostly enh though, I hear you guys have the most issues right now.

apparently that guy scrolled past all the other classes that received nerfs as well

My condolences to anyone hoping for shamans to be in a good spot at the start of an expansion. Historically, you’re in for a rough time.

Now if they would give us a stealth like teemo :slight_smile: he is one of my favorite champions in league.

Return SR and return its use while in stun. Return healing wolves and useable in stun.
There we fixed some of the issues of Enhancement shaman pvp.

Now add a flat % of damage reduction from all sources to all 3 shields Lighting, Earth, Water. Make it so that the defensives from Earth Shield only be applied when that is cast on the shaman themselves.

This would fix some of the issues we have.

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