An unknown error has occurred while attempting to activate Party Sync

So, my bf is new to the game and we’re attempting to party sync for RaF bonuses. But I keep getting that error message while attempting to play with him.

Any ideas?

What race of character has he started and are they in any sort of starter zone still? And just to check, they’re on a character in the same faction as you right?

As Perl mentioned, is your bf still in Exile’s Reach? You won’t be able to party sync until they have completed that area. If they have completed Exile’s Reach they may have some tour quests that show you around the city once you arrive in Orgrimmar/Stormwind.

If they are still on that, they may not yet be able to join you so make sure they complete those.

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No. He’s level 25 and in Southern Barrens. We played together for a while, but it’s not working today. And yes, same faction.

That is strange if you were able to party sync before and suddenly you cannot.

See if you can swap leadership and have one or the other initiate party sync. Try disabling any addons you may have running and/or try resetting your User Interface.

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