It has come to my and several members of the Remulos community’s attention that you have opened up free transfers OFF of our server to the Arugal PvP server. This opening has come with no announcement from Activision/Blizzard nor explanation. In fact your very own list of open server transfers ( only shows open transfers from Yojamba to Remulos and Arugal. And apparently, this list was updated just six days ago. Guess you shouldn’t have let all those people go to boost your profit reports? Maybe your web list would be more accurate.
While I applaud your apparent scheme to open free server transfers knowing that Remulos is mostly Alliance and that most people will have to pay for a faction transfer when they move, I am quite concerned with your apparent lack of concern or communiction regarding what this has done to the Remulos community and server population.
What I would like to know is just what are Activision/Blizzard’s intentions with offering (but not ANNOUNCING mind you) this free server transfer off of Remulos? Are you actively trying to promote the end of the Remulos community? There are rumors floating around that this free transfer is a precursor to you shutting down the Remulos server entirely after bleeding it dry with the offer of free server transfers. Are you going to only keep one server active in the Oceanic Region and that server be a PvP server?
I know that you plan on making a windfall from this offer, as while the server transfer is free most people will need to pay for the faction transfer as I cannot imagine many people wanting to play an Alliance character on a heavily dominant Horde PvP server. And I know you will make even MORE money from the people who take advantage of the free transfer, find that the grass is not necessarily greener on the PvP server, and then opt to pay you for a server/faction transfer BACK to Remulos. That is should you allow Remulos to remain in operation afterwards.
Do you think you could possibly find a temp or intern to update your server transfer list and at the same time possibly communicate your intentions with/for the Oceanic Region servers, please? Your silence is creating all kinds of rumors and general panic amongst the Remulos community.
A Tip of the Hat to Activision/Blizzard for implementing a way to generate more revenue for yourselves and Bobby by opening up free server transfers from the Remulos PvE server to the Arugal PvP one. Without any statement of intent, announcement, or a news article you have started a mass migration from Remulos to Arugal that I am sure will line your pockets quite well both with faction transfer fees as well as return fees from those who get to Arugal only to decide that a PvP server just isn’t as much fun as promised.
A SEVERE Wag of the Finger for causing confusion and a slight degree of panic amongst the Remulos community. Are you planning on bleeding the server dry in order to close it down? Can you at least get someone to compose some information and maybe update your own web site as to what server transfers are open? Maybe even give us a statement of your intent towards the Oceanic Classic Wrath servers for the future? While I do realize you will be making a TON of money from this opportunity, I can emphatically state that if in the end my only option for playing on an Oceanic Region server is to play on a Horde dominated PvP server that I will be stopping my subscription to World of Warcraft Classic and I am quite certain I am not the only one who would cancel.
Can we get any clarification from you about any of this, please?
The worst of it all is, not only is this a grubby cash grab hidden as good will, but there are better solutions that blizz seem too stupid to do. Warmode is a thing they already built, and yet instead of utilising it, as would be the smart thing to do not only in reducing costs by combining servers, which we know is all blizz seem to care about, but is a win win all around, as those who want to pvp can go nuts without harrasing those that dont. But no they opt to break up servers and break up a community that works due to their ever active lack of communication. Blizz have a golden goose for long term money by fixing mistakes they made 13 years ago, but like 13 years ago they are opting for fast cash and sloppy work at the cost of their ever shrinking reputation
I actually enjoy PvP. And if I want to participate in it I will happily join a BG or take a few rounds in Wintergrasp. However most of the “world PvP” that happens on PvP servers is NOT really PvP. It’s just ganking and griefing and I have learned (from starting out LONG ago on a PvP server) that it is just not fun gameplay for me.
As Guild master of the longest running and best guild on Remulos i think this could not of come sooner and i am glad to be able to see people locked away in this jail of a server be free at no cost. In happiness i wrote a song,
You made my pick break
You made my pick ache (I still see your armor in my room)
You made my pick break
You made my pick ache (Can’t take back the diamonds I gave you)
You made my pick break (You were made out of iron ores, fake)
You made my pick ache (You were made out of iron ores, fake)
You made my pick break again (I was tangled up in your griefing ways)
(Who knew Herobrine had the prettiest face)
As far as not being restricted, the transfer for the Oceanic Regions servers appears to only be one way; from Remulos to Arugal and not the other way back. The way back must still be paid for.
It was why I was more after an explanation of their intent with the offer and the Oceanic Classic servers in general as I know they aren’t really big on clarity or openness.