An ingenious idea

I forgot to mention this but isn’t there like a 45 minute video of 1 of your leads doing exactly that and then more.

You know Mr “sometimes I just say f it you know”.

Sounds really similar to “you don’t want to see me when I’m angry”

Yeah I know that’s a personality disorder called bipolar but that’s quite frankly not my problem.

Is what I would’ve said in bearys shoes probably what he needed to hear actually.

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Or the guy munching on Doritos and fibbing about how he was a “hero” in the military and complaining about how people at his McDonald’s job don’t know what they are doing or don’t understand his genius ideas.


No to be mean but your response gives me weird and creepy cult vibe, like from the late 70’s, as a matter of fact a certain family comes to mind when I read this post.

Why is it an ingenious idea and not just a genius idea?

I really don’t understand why Charming and I get attacked so often on here… are we like coming between some Battleground forum clique or something?

Or is our high Honor Levels really that intimidating? Because, honestly, I consider 2000 my starting point. I’ve only just begun.

Somebody (I know who) actually reported my Honor Level thread. LOL. Dude, it’s a Battleground forum. Fortunately, the Mods aren’t against me.

I am on Blizzard’s first wave alpha list.

It’s just weird, because Charming seems like a really nice guy. I’m a great judge of character.


One of my favorite Carpenters songs, I’ve only just begun.

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Really bad guys always hate the opposite… especially when they call them out on their nonsense.

The more ingenious idea solves the problem.

Fractalized Queues.

No matter how many people start queue at same time, they’ll be assigned to different “random branches.”

The reason premades are so prevalent is cause the game is so dead.

Less people queuing makes it easier to que sync.

Which results in less randoms queueing.

This is what happened to 3v3 and 4v4 in Starcraft 2.

Lots of premades smurfing stomping noobs made all the noobs stop queuing.

Now you’re in a catch 22, because if you remove premades, you remove whose left playing team games in Starcraft 2.