An ingenious idea

I can answer that - see, when you join discord, a bunch of uninteresting people make it their goal to MAKE you aware of what’s going on in their life.

Just one time - I’d like to join a voice chat with a person that only discusses what’s going on in the game… and not what’s going on at home, or at work.

You have the guy who needs a smoke break after the first BG… You have the lady whose kid just woke up, and she needs to feed it… and then you have me, and I assume Charming - the guy who simply wants no part of it.

If any of you can manage to not tell me about a single moment of your lives - I’ll open my friends list… but that’s not going to happen… in this ‘‘social’’ game, is it?

I’ll stay playing solo… Blizzard is starting to favor us now.


Such beautiful words.

Here’s what’s happening in my life now… nvm Q POP

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Ah, yeah. Good point. That is equally as rude. My friends, that I have known for 10-20 years online won’t ever do that, UNLESS it is something very very significant.


You can whisper me anything game related for 4 hours straight - but as soon as I see the words kids, work, wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, smoke break, my life - I’m out.

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This actually makes me happy to read it. Because DJL is definitely not for you. We are all about the old school guild vibe. We hang out together every night. We care about each other, I want to hear why you had a bad or great day. We want to know hey, it’s my kid’s birthday today and I’ll be late because I’m grilling for my family. In a world where everything is so impersonal, we strive to be a tight knit group that enjoys one another’s company. Those who still want the “you’re not my real dad experience” feel free to pass us by. And I say that with tremendous pride in the community we’ve built full of great people from all over the world.


Well yeah cause nobody wants to hear about everybody else’s petty issues.

And also you acknowledge you are fighting a losing battle against the inevitable. good

I’m happy for you and your ‘‘family.’’

You should have something to talk about when you’re dropping queues for 20 minutes looking for just the right random battleground to come around.

I just want to play the game - and Blizzard has finally, at least PvP wise, realized that’s what the majority of the player base wants… and if any of you doubt that - look at the success of Solo Shuffle - and when Rated Blitz is released - it will annihilate reg RBGs.

Don’t blame Ion or anyone at Blizzard - trust me, they tried and tried to push the social aspect of this game down our throats… and they failed… again, PvP wise. It’s our time now.


Why you gotta tell everyone


I like blitz too. But there’s a reason communities are so popular. There’s a reason people say damn you guys have a lot of fun in here! Some communities don’t even get in disc, and that’s fine. But we’re not them and I am glad. We are the island of misfit toys.

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Not exactly a title people usually take pride in.

h ttps://

I graduated 30 years ago, and I can’t imagine feeling like going outside and communicating is seen as an intimidating experience.

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Well again for my generation and the ones behind me its about being better than everybody else in sight.

Not really much else most of them are not about that relationships stuff most of them don’t like being pushed to have kids in a rush either.

For them its about the self and getting to live your life before worrying about dedicating every waking moment to either working like a mule or focusing on the life of your children instead.

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I’d like you to meet my friend Anxiety XD.

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Anxiety can be hard countered by having some self confidence.

Another thing that is incredibly rare for some reason.

What i do is i just take 1 look at everybody around me and how like down bad they are like real bad.

And then i take a look at myself and how great i am in comparison and then just like that i’m feeling good looking good to and then thats it no thoughts of doubt or anything.


Oh I get that. But that’s more of an age thing rather than generational.

When I was 20 I had the exact same attitude that 20-year-olds today have. You get just a little bit of education and you think you have it all figured out. And you can’t wait to show off your vast knowledge (lol) to others because you’re too concerned with what others think of you.

Then when you’re older you stop caring what others think, and look back on those years and laugh at yourself for how stupid you really were. :rofl:


That’s why I continue to work on my Honor Level… whenever I feel down/depressed - I think to myself… life could be worse - I could be around Honor Level 1-800.

I laugh… a lot - and life is so much better.

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I assure that someone at 100-800 has a far more enriching life than someone at 2000.

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If anyone is below 800 at this point - I’d certainly hope so.

Because even 2061 is low… I should be much much higher.

28th in the ENTIRE world, though.

Can I use the bathroom good sir?

(lol good post)

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