An ingenious idea

In this premade ridden hellscape that we now call random and epic battlegrounds it can be hard to find a diamond in the rough with no premade.

But i’ve discovered by using the addon they use to dodge each other i can and so can you now use it to dodge them in return.

I may use it to dodge enemy premades and accept the que with an alliance premade for laughs i may take a spot from 1 of their players on accident.


Hmm… don’t you need to be a present member of their community to see the groups pop?

Which communities are you a member of, Mr. Charming?

yeah, unless there was an update from Meso, the addons for tracking queues are not publicly available and they require you to be a member in the community you want to track.

There is a checkbox for “Display notification for popped groups.” That is usually more than enough information, assuming you’ve managed to sneak into every community.

If you needed to be in all communities why have they not kicked the people spying allowing them to dodge?

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takes personal autonomy away from players.

I mean

  • Restrict users from using the PING system without being Raid Leader or Assistant.

Most of them seem to have no problem with that

sounds like it just blocks you from seeing when other people ping, it doesn’t block them from being able to ping.

I don’t think so it says “restricts users from being able to ping” and up above it said

One said block quests the other said restrict.

You guys said you don’t like dodging but you enable it to happen by leaving the spys in there?

Its not like you really have any

As you probably get screeched at by oca and or kicked or something if you don’t follow “the plan”.

There is no personal autonomy its drop que when your told to for like 20 minutes get into bg follow zerg press your burst macro @ teamfight and following fights with 8 healers and wow you won.

yep, human relationships are more valuable than winning games, if playing with some people means you have information leaks, the you have to deal with information leaks. you can’t really go around telling people who can they can and can’t play with, even as tempting of a solution as it can be, its still a wrong solution in the long term.

if Oca is screeching at me, its because i gripped a priest.

And have you all ever actually seen each other’s faces? or anything beyond the most surface level you can imagine.

I reckon its probably the same kind of “relationship” you have with people from highschool like 20 years ago where its a phone call every once a few months a very brief overview of everyones extremely dull and uneventful lives and then thats it.

Like there is nothing to say lmao. "Oh yeah just another day at the office for me bob spilled coffee on himself… Or without giving information that other people usually should not know about and they probably cant help you with anyway even if you did tell them about it.

Maybe thats why some people try to stir up drama and stuff like that so they can have something to ramble on about in discord while dropping ques.

I mean that’s really just the reality nowadays especially.

You ask anyone about their lives and what’s going on its like the most empty shell existence you could imagine for like 98% of people.

nothing eventful happens most days are nearly identical and so that leaves you with not very much to talk about quite frankly and so that’s why everyone is usually fixated on some stupid celeb drama.

Even asking a simple question like “describe yourself” usually gets met with deafening silence. Which is sad

They’ve become so used to just being part of 1 congealed mass they don’t even have a personal identity anymore.

You don’t socialize much, do you.


You’re a sad person.

Like I said before, OP Loves to complain about those carrying him, but now wants to queue with them on purpose…Such a hypocrite.

They have each other on battlenet and have spies in communities. I don’t think the addon works by itself.

Honestly I don’t worry about premades so much, especially when pugs are 100% trolls that mock you for “trying”.

BGs are F’ed. Imma go be a herbalist.


I do actually and i just pointed out that its increasingly more awkward.

Because everybody is increasingly shallow and uninteresting with uninteresting things going on in their lives.

Probably why they are so desperate to cling on to shallow e relationships to lmao.

I only graduated 2 years ago keep in mind so its very fresh in my mind just how weird “socializing” was… they now have you take an entire class on it “professional communications” its required.

And that to was awkward lmao even when they just have to follow a written script.

I remember the first day very well it was “tell everyone about yourself” and my god everyone spouted the same exact ai npc talking points it was so mind numbing.

I don’t know. Kind of seems like a drunk person who shows up uninvited to a party, starts doomsaying everything and ends up breaking some of your furniture and valuables accidentally.


Why do you care what is happening in anyone’s life in a video game? People are typically doing games to escape reality for a bit and just have some fun. Prying into people’s live is considered rude unless they are very close friends.

Yeah, there needs to be some kind of competitive leaderboard for herb gathering.