Probably a knee-jerk reaction but I am just fed up with healing M+
I play a holy paladin that is super fun to heal dungeons on. Lately, I have been grinding MoTS over and over and over gain to loot the Unbound Changeling. I must have run that dungeon over 20 times with nothing.
I just did a dungeon with a warlock that died so many times that we just refused to rez him for an ENTIRE BOSS (Mistcaller he ate 3 balls in a row). And at the end of the dungeon what does he get? The unbound changeling.
Healing just is not worth it, especially with how the community reacts to non-meta healers sometimes or weaker IO players blaming heals when they fail mechanics.
It might just be time to wait out for season 2 which is okay.
almost 60 Vortex Pins for Rainsong back in the day. It only dropped to healing lootspecs. Even with a friendly shadow priest loot speccing heals, I think it was 58 runs. It sucks, don’t go crazy.
Okay so we are just meant to suffer. Like I said it was kneejerk reaction. Back to the grind. Holy pally healing is so dang fun I just want to keep at it.
Oh I know, I was adding to the snark. It felt miserable farming DoS for that trinket. What I was mentioning though was that you don’t need your trinket to be successful since half of the top 10 Holy Paladins aren’t using it.
I did a few mythics with friends yesterday and they wanted me to heal. It was fun and honestly you’re exactly right. Min maxing and focusing on specific loot was killing my joy I think.
Here’s unsolicited advice. Craft an Alchemist’s Stone trinket and it will hold you over until you get changeling if you don’t have one of the other best used ones.
Farming specific items in m+ is a surefire way to burn out imo.
Farm trinket at Champ Track
Farm crests ( hope blizz doesnt nerf the item you want start-mid season )
Farm trinket at Hero Track
Farm Crests ( hope blizz doesnt nerf the item you want mid-end season )
Farm 10’s for trinket at Myth Track ( pray your vault gives it to you )
Farm more crests to fully upgrade it ( hope they didnt buff anything else at this point because you cant take any more )
Do it all over again next season
Do it all over again next expansion
It’s a very burn out inducing system tbh. The grind NEVER ends not even if you get the item you want, because there are better versions of the same trinket now.
I seriously miss valor vendors for gear / bad rng protection. Wish we could use a portion of our max crests each season on bad luck protection and they add vendors for all the dungeon loot, or the notable stuff like trinkets/effect items.
This is also my first season of not playing any healer character even if I find many of them really fun on paper, healing M+ is garbage gameplay right now, it also was for most of DF but I toughed it out for unhealthy reasons.
That being said, don’t spam the same dungeon when trying to get loot. The drop system in M+ is not random at all, because it’s forcing 3 people to not get anything, you can only get an item about 40% of the time, meaning that in general after you get something, your next 2 dungeons won’t drop anything for you. This is counted in the system and compared with other people in the group. If you just got something and group with at least 2 people who didn’t get anything the last 1 or 2 dungeons, the game will prioritize giving them drops and not you. And since we all mostly don’t get anything from a run, the majority of people you pug with come from a no drop run as well so if you got something you’re last on the list.
I’ve been using this info to gear tons of alts. Run the dungeon you need until something drops, after that do at least 2 other random dungeons which should give you nothing, then go back to the dungeon you need until something drops, rince and repeat.
If by any chance one of the random dungeons you do drops something for you (meaning you coincidentally grouped with people who just got something in their previous run), return to doing another 2 random dungeons, before going back to the dungeon you need because your prio listing just got reset.
This is not even a little bit how statistics works. Do you have any substantiation for the claim that there is an elaborate system at work, involving loot priorities?
As far as I understand, the game rolls for each player and the highest roll is awarded a piece of loot. Because there is a 20% chance for each drop, you have a 40% chance to get 1 of the 2 pieces. This roll is a separate incident for every piece of loot and wouldn’t be carried over from dungeon to dungeon, and would result in a piece of loot for most players, most of the time, once every 2-3 dungeons. Then there will be outliers with people getting loot in back to back dungeons or people going 4-5 dungeons in a row with nothing. But it’s all random.
That is what I’ve been given to understand, but if you have some source of info you could share that verifies it works the way you said, I would be happy to accept that I’m mistaken.
Yeah, going to need a source on that. It’s just a flat 40% chance per run. The game doesn’t care if you got a drop in the last run or didn’t for the past 3.
I don’t have any statistical evidence to hand out, but I looks like it, makes perfect sense, and actually makes the game better. Without it you would regularly get streaks of no loot for 5 dungeons in a row with a 60% chance of not getting anything, just like you often get 5 crits in a row with just 40% crit chance. Manipulated RNG exists in a lot of games for many reason, I’m a game dev too and I work with this as well, other games constantly use this as well. I recently saw a riot dev explain their system behind crit chance to prevent low crit ADC from getting lucky streaks that would give them absurd burst they shouldn’t be allowed to do with their current items. WoW doesn’t have that on crit, which is why it’s easy to get many crits in a row with only 40% crit, yet virtually impossible to get 4 drops in a row from M+ with the exact same statistical chance.
Everything points to M+ drop chance being manipulated and all my experience lines up with that as well. I can’t “prove it without the shadow of a doubt” but I also have not seen any convincing evidence of true random dictating M+ drop distribution at all either.
I can’t predict if I’m gonna crit or not based on my previous hits, but I can predict at a very high rate of accuracy if I’m gonna get something or not in my next run, and if I run many dungeons in a row with friends after only a few dungeons I can predict the outcome for the whole team with similar accuracy.
I get that it sounds full on tinfoil hat and I get it if you don’t believe me lol, but I just haven’t seen or experienced anything to make me believe loot is truly random in M+, and that, since the removal of bonus chests.
Not my experience at all. Also it’s not good for the game to let players know about it, so Blizzard will not say it publicly and it can’t be datamined. Best we can get is people reporting the numbers they see.
In which case you should be able to get streaks of 5 crits in a row with 40% crit, and then show the exact same ratio of 5 drops in a row from M+. Good luck with that.
Have you ever flipped a coin? You can land on heads 15 times in a row. There’s something called a bell curve and most people’s experience will land within the average of getting drops ~40% of the time. Some will get drops 2-3-4 times in a row and others won’t get drops for 2-3-4 times in a row.
Yes flip a coin a thousand times, you will get very close to 50% o both sides despite getting long streaks of tails here and there.
Attack a dummy a thousand times you will get very close to your crit chance despite getting some long crit streaks in a row.
Run a thousand dungeons and you will get close to the 40% drop chance yet only get a streak of 4 drops in a row maybe once, or probably never, with very few 3 drops in a row, while the other 2 cases above will have many 3 and 4 hits in a row. That’s the difference here.
Feel free to try it yourself like I did. If crit chance in LoL is controlled to prevent bad luck burst (and it objectively is, publicly stated by their devs), why would drop chance in M+ not be controlled to prevent bad luck as well?
I don’t see you being able to prove that M+ drops are truly random.