An Eye on Player Behavior and Reporting Improvements

That’s not what my statement was about, but as Illidan would say; posture if you must.


Advice to everyone these days.

Don’t type, say, or have recorded things that a mob of belligerent people could defame/derail your way of life. It’s not worth the headache to fix and even if you are proven in the right you will never have a complete undoing of said events.


Psa to all! Turn off all chat including whispers and never interact with anyone again. Its not worth losing your account.


There are two sides here. One that prefer not to see swearing and those that don’t care. If the ones that prefer not to see swearing do not see the swearing and instead see (%^() Whats the issue? One side gets to be themselves and lets face it the majority of people swear even those dear parents and the other doesn’;t know what they just read and therefore cannot make a good arguement of being offended over $%^& its a weak argument.

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Done. No way I am risking my 14 year old accounts in this game by trying to communicate with new players in the game. Discord chat from here on out.


Absolutely. All communication should be done through apps unaffiliated with Blizzard and wow from now on.


Now that I think about it… outside of the forums, I don’t think I’ve talked to other players since Legion…

Edit: using In game chat that is.

They aren’t censoring anything, they just want people to be adults when it comes to playing together. Also the profanity filters are really easy to get around.

One more thing, the people doing the policing aren’t the devs but the GMs.

I liken this move to what Final Fantasy XIV does with its player base. If you are a jerk to others you’re going to get punished. Although I suspect Blizz will be less heavy-handed than SE, it will still be interesting to see what the reactions of people will be when they get suspended for it. I certainly hope that over time the community behavior will improve.


In my experience, typing in /i and letting the group know, hey, new player here, never been here, or hey, I’m new to tanking/ healing/ etc. actually does get results. The impatient ones will leave, sure, but it lets the group know ahead of time what they’re in for, and some can actually be helpful.


You wanna know what Blizzard says is toxic? saying a bad word.

You wanna know what Blizzard thinks is NOT toxic? A player tracking me down to my realm during the SL launch even and wiping out Halfhill on my server (made a character on my server and grouped) every time the timer was up because I said I didnt like the PvP event and was just gonna hang out on my farm till it was over. Even got on the forums taunting me saying he is the one there waving hi.

Blizzard is so far out of touch with a lot of this I just shake my head


And how do we know it wont be the other way around?


I don’t know if I would go that far, but I do foresee a lot of problems from this system. Ultimately the issue is going to hinge on whether Blizzard does it right or does it wrong.

If the grievances are legitimate, regardless of whether Blizzard policy states that moderation is not to be discussed, it WILL be discussed in places that they have no power to prevent; podcasters included.

As the realization that the system is all sorts of biased or screwed up continues to rise, Blizzard will lose more reputation. You will also see players of the fringe minorities try desperately to justify the unjustifiable; both to cling to the powers they have gained; and also to attempt and drive people from the game in the name of whatever cause* they hold dear is.


If the grievances are illegitimate and Blizzard in fact does this right, the guilty party will be far less eager to discuss ‘why’ they were actioned. In that case, the minority will be ousted, as they find themselves actioned the same as everyone else; which is right and proper. But their wildly bloated sense of self-worth does not allow for them to be told ‘they’ were the one in the wrong, because it challenges their core belief in their own infallibility.

This is because Logic is not a word they understand. Emotion is. And thus, due to being ruled by emotion they will not be able to contain their rage and they will break their silence with shrieks of anger, demanding GMs be fired, that Blizzard is X-Phobic, and countless other things.

If Blizzard caves as they did with say Void Elf / High Elf customizations, this continues till the next time, at which time the individual returns with new demands they expect to be conceded to. Yet if Blizzard instead judges and holds them to the same standard as everyone else, the screamer will let out a final roar of rage, maybe blow up once on the forums; …and then fly off like Sylvanas at the end of BFA.

can someone get that Ben Franklin reading a newspaper headline and going WTF did i just read look for me? I have no idea what on gods green earth you’re on about.


There are too many snowflakes who are easily offended. We get behavior warnings when lurkers in the chat groups don’t like what the conversation has drifted towards. Rather than take responsibility to control what they are offended by and LEAVE they report and then we get behavior warnings. How about instilling some self-accountability for the persons who don’t know how to use the tools Blizzard provided like turning on the profanity filter? or using the Block? This game is rated T for Teen and we also hear from parents that they don’t want their children to see some of the conversations… well… don’t let your kid play a game that’s based on murdering NPCs. Seriously. I’m fed up with being accountable for others’ hypersensitivities. We should be able to have uncensored conversations in the chat. And yes I read the article and I am very leery of this new “social contract,” particularly since there is no preview available.


Profanity filter doesn’t give you the right to swear. Blizzard has mentioned this over and over again.


Thats a weak argument. That’s like a strained twice coffee kinda weak.

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How do we know the people who actually moderate the game are impartial ?


LOL dude…do you realize how hypocritical you are being. Why don’t YOU have some self control and not talk about things you agreed to not talk about when you singed the ToS? That’s on YOU.


Are you going to be one of the ones who will be reporting other players in game when they type symbols in chat since you are using the profanity filter?


Who said I was using it? Are you going to be one of the ones complaining they did nothing wrong when you broke the ToS you agreed to?