An Eye on Player Behavior and Reporting Improvements

While I support punishing people for bad behaviour these tools are always used to punch downwards at people that disagree with popular opinions. Disagreements always turn into “toxicity” and for whatever reason unpopular opinions become hate speech.


And before long you find yourself with a double-jeopardy ban for something said prior to your previous ban tacked onto the chat log of you RPing about Donkeys fighting Ogres in the Badlands.

Yall think I’m kidding.

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That definitely if true sucks. When I first played World of Warcraft, I had a co-worker talk me into playing on a Player vs. Player server (Lethon) and I warned him what it would be like. After a month he was gone and I put up with the ganking, spitting and tea-bagging daily from Alliance. That said it was very common for Alliance and Horde to sit outside one’s capital heck even inside the city just ganking anyone they could come across.

I am sorry but people need to stop. If you cannot tolerate aspects of the game, don’t play it or stay on a care-bear server and don’t flag yourself for PvP. If your low level and you’re getting ganked, then put out a call for help like we did when the game was brand new and watch the carnage ensue. Like life the game isn’t always going to be fair so stop trying to change it.


likely because it MIGHT(can’t stress that enough)…
MIGHT mean an emphasis on looking into their bad behaviour, that they know they are partaking in and they may actually see punishment for that.

1 particular person in that thread as a prime example, posting on 2 chars to troll, clearly a troll post from the start. Blizzard should actively be on top of that stuff, given in that instance, it likely is not a first offense, 3-6 month suspension shouldn’t be off the cards, for both accounts(assuming at that point).

Just AN example.

Yeah not sure how you arrive at taking your toxicity to a separate platform vs just not being a toxic person in a video game.

Even if some (not all) think that, I doubt Blizz will hurry along to hand out disciplinary actions.

Lol only if people really don’t learn. Even then, the timeouts are still short.

To expand on this, the Classic forums are way more toxic than the Retail forums. So many bully posters over there that Blizz does absolutely nothing about.

Just an example of how lazy Blizz really is.

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i’ll accept it’s wishful/hopeful thinking. :frowning:

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“toxic” doesn’t mean anything in context of communication. It’s a buzzword meant to apply to “anything that I don’t like”

I hereby award you the Necro Lord of the Day Award. :ribbon:

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