An Eye on Player Behavior and Reporting Improvements

I totally agree with you Mudsocks There is too much B.S. safe spaces in this game now Its not much fun to play anymore all the fun has gone.

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This is from my RL Partner who also plays the game: I have been here since 2007 and the game is losing it’s RPGMMO feeling. Banter and harmless insults were common and no one had any issue. Now you have people who are triggered and insulted over the slightest thing. I hate how quiet my instance chats are now since no one wants to say hi or even take the chance to chat. How is this bettering the game? God forbid if you offer advice on how to be better now you can get banned and will allow for more bad players who will abuse the report feature. Trade chat? might as well close it down right now cause the false reports will flow like wine. It’s the poor leadership at blizzard that is forcing me more and more to look at FF14 cause at least they don’t treat women like bowls of fruit, and allow skimpy mogs for both male and female. The fact the company is investing more resource’s into adding real life things into a fantasy game is eroding the who fantasy aspect of the game.


That’s the point? I usually do, but I feel alone in reporting whisper guild ad spams, to the point I use an addon to avoid seeing that garbage because Blizz does nothing about it. And, other people (not everyone), from the community make fun of me, for it which just perpetuates spamming culture and making certain spam OK. Either it’s OK or it’s not.

If players are causing harm to other players and chasing them away from the game, I think Blizz should step in and do something against players causing a disturbance.

I’m still having fun.

Haven’t talked in Public Chat Channels since the Squelch. This new contract is nothing.

You say you have not used the chat channels. Thats a You problem when me and my partner started the chat channels were very much important for forming dungeon groups raids and PvP. Even then Banter was tossed around and everyone laughed and had a great time. All I see now is people who incapable to handle jokes like the ones wanting Dave Chappelle cancelled. How is the game going to be fun when people are now going to be worried anything they say or do can get them reported. Please think before you post about the long term issues that will come up. PS you don’t believe in the slippery slope theory i see I will remind you of what happened with void elves and it is still happening they keep taking and taking and people warned the company this would happened and yet certain people screamed conspiracy theory not so much of a conspiracy theory is it now.


You are aware that it’s physically impossible for me to cause harm to any other person playing the game remotely? You do know this correct? So I’m forced to wonder what you’re even talking about?

No it’s not. When you layer one level of rules and punishment on top of another level of rules and punishment then of course they’ve changed.

No. You’re trolling. Which is supposed to be against the forum’s rules? You know? The one’s you’re arguing in favor of? Let me guess: It’s Okay When I Do It!


Dartt!!! my partner gives you this message: You are my favorite night elf!!! :slight_smile:

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Let me re-itetate, I don’t use public chat channels to hold discussions nor have fun doing Thunderfury Spam. I’ll go to Discord, for that. I have used them to ask for help.

It’s not a “problem”.

I use it, for the same reasons.

Depends on the “Banter” and what’s being said. I reserve that for more private channels because I don’t trust the Squelch which has been in the game, for a LONG time.

Not all jokes are funny.

He has his funny moments. I don’t think he should be cancelled. I just won’t watch his content, if I don’t feel like it.

You say “now”, when nothing has changed. The Squelch has been around, for YEARS. Where are your tears about that? I doubt the extra report categories mean much especially since the Squelch has been around BEFORE it and much longer.

I am. You act like society will change due to extra report categories, but they won’t. Squelch is still a thing and why my participation in Public Chat Channels is limited.

Not with this topic, no.

I’ve expressed, numerously, the dangers of the Squelch which hasn’t gone, anywhere and has causes abuse. But, Blizz and other community members (not everyone) never kept up with fighting against it.

No idea what you’re talking about.

I was giving an example. But, you can physically hurt Blizz’s business by forcing people to quit because they can’t stand your behavior. You’d be costing Blizz their precious dollars by chasing away their other customer base.

That you being a “paying customer” means nothing.

Yes, it is.

No, nothing has changed. There’s no extra punishments on top of each other. It’s the same system.

Yes, I am having fun.

I’m not. You think I am because I don’t agree with you and explaining my stance/POV on it.

I’m more concerned about the Squelch than Blizz’s extra report categories, so they can be lazy when sorting out tickets.

I do know that, that’s why I’m not doing it. Blizz will probably be more upset with me by referring to them as “lazy” then you thinking “I’m a troll”.

I’m not arguing for Trolls. I’m arguing that nothing has changed 'cause they haven’t.

I’m not trolling. It’s probably not OK for me to call Blizz “lazy”, but I’m doing it, anyway. It’s worth me getting actioned for calling them out.

But yet they seem to have trouble seeing some guy tell his guildmates to mass report someone…


They see it, but it’s too late 'cause of how the Squelch works. They only get punished after the fact.

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Again, I have NO CONTROL over anyone else. You are ascribing an agency to me that I DO NOT HAVE. I am not responsible for anyone’s actions beyond my own. This is supported by everyone having the ability to simply ignore me across every form of communication. When trying to communicate, I’m literally already at the mercy of my audience. They don’t have to give me attention, they don’t have to give me an emotional response, and they certainly don’t have to reply. And if enough of them don’t like what I’m saying they can already Silence Me for escalating periods of time. And you’re arguing THAT’S NOT ENOUGH, we need ACCOUNT LEVEL SUSPENSIONS.

Really? I wonder if Activision Blizzard’s Corporate Stockholders feel the same. You do know that they’re on pins and needles about the Microsoft deal. And if Microsoft decides that the number of MAU’s has dropped too much and they want to renegotiate what they pay for ActiBlizz’s stock, I think that puts the lie to your statement.

Contradiction isn’t Argument.

Already addressed this. Blizz has stated explicitly that there will be account level suspensions. This is a change, that is to say, “extra”.

I kind of think you are. Because I don’t see how anyone can be this intellectually disingenuous. But… not my problem. If the shoe fits? It’s your precious little piggies, not mine.

So much backpedalling. I wouldn’t worry. Blizzard would take one look at you and shrug, they’d take one look at me and think “YOU!” And I’d take another forum vacation. :laughing: I’m pretty sure that’s how that’d work.

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Clearly you just want to argue for the sake of arguing.

I’ll meet you halfway, the only change being made is Blizz being more lazy with their reports.

Otherwise, it’s all the same. Putting you on ignore, now 'cause you just want useless back and forth. When I clearly called Blizz lazy.

As long as the Squelch remains, nothing has changed.

Your insinuations that A) I play battlegrounds, B) That I would use racial slurs or c) that pursuant to the 9.2.5 Social contract, your insinuations would completely violate the TOS and earn you a ban make me laugh.

The problem is per your own “Social Contract”, like all social contracts the enforcement becomes upon insinuation - the unpleasant hint or suggestion of something bad. So per your own “OMG BLIZZARD DID SOMETHING SO I LOVE IT”, or love for the current BS (as in Bad Stinky or blank stare, or brain stem, or baked sewage… baked sewage - We’ll go with that) post, we couldn’t even have civil discourse and agree to disagree without putting our lawyer hats versus using the vernacular. Though I am sure every time a ten-year-old cries afoul in a battleground and uses an adult word as they think that’s “cool” you will be there with your new shiny report button… You go, seriously, Go… just go… keep going… yup, go just keep going outside… Walk right on down to the library, yes, its a place with books printed on… PAPER. In that magical place go find a librarian, they are nice folks entrusted with custodianship of the various knowledge bits. Find one and ask them where youc an you find information about Pre-WW2 Germany. Once you do, I highly suggest you go read all the material on the subject you can. After you do, and this easily could take a few years but the highlights include a “Social Contract”, you will maybe, just maybe understand why anyone with half an educational background in history or a small sum of common sense would find political dogma forced upon them inside a game with the thinly veiled guise called a “social contract”, morally repugnant and more importantly surrounded by sycophantical brown shirts who would happily cheer on such idiocracy; being the very same fools that would dare to vote Hitler into power.

It’s NOT new! I’ve always reported for language. There’s a literal “Language” report button BEFORE this “contract” and extra report categories came out. Reporting for Language is not some “new” concept. IDK where you got this idea from. Language has been reportable, for awhile, now.


The Squelch has been around, for a LONG time. You’re really late with this argument. Same with reporting for language. This is nothing new. You were always able to report for language.

But go ahead and cry “censorship” 'cause as long as the Squelch remains (which existed before this contract) we’re being auto-censored, already. This contract changes nothing.

In summation:

Blizzard: “be polite”


It’s like they (not everyone) forget all about the Squelch that’s been in the game, for a LONG time. We’ve had automated discipline, for awhile.

Why do this when you can google it from the comfort of your own home and get the EXACT same content, faster and more streamlined? Libraries have zero relevance today except being a place where homeless people can go BM.

and before you say something like “reading a paper book blah blah blah”. It’s just a waste of trees we need at this point in earths evolution.

I guess my spam emoting will have to become a little more intense a long with the casual sitting/standing/sitting/standing/sitting and so on on someone.

The contract is a joke

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Wow, this social contract really has some people sweating. Y’all worried about something? :rofl:


Seriously. Nothing has really changed.

The Squelch still exists. Has existed before this “contract” and has been abused and will continue to be abused. This contract changes nothing.

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Actually, I now have direct evidence of this happening. On WoW Classic there was a guild dedicated to the LGBT+, they had an LGBT+ name of the likes, and they were falsely reported by presumably homophobic people as they were using the name. “Gay boys” as their Guild Name.
They were reported and forced a guild name change and their g-lead was given a suspension. They were later reinstated and I belive the suspension was undone, but nonetheless. It is very present.