I’m in T2.5 gear and often go BG after raid with full buffs. Only way you’re hitting a 10k chimera is with full raid buffs, berserking and probably some debuffs to increase nature damage taken.
Can anyone really say shaman isnt significantly better in a BG setting than paladin? Creates a faction imbalance.
The grey parsing shamans will say they are weaker
We say pvp toilet bowls hiding behind lvl 23 hunters are weaker.
Bro I could get a better than 10 parse on this toon. You’d have to purposely be playing bad to get under a 10 parse.
Yet you do that every fight?
Could you though? You could just post on your main so we can be sure.
Then you can show me how my parses translate into pvp
Ranged classes have more impact atm than melee.
Shaman being able to hit 5 targets with one GCD makes them very efficient in team fight.
Shamelem/hunter/Boomy synergize better than Hunter/Boomy/Ret even Hunter/Boomy/Shockadin.
Purge negates Rets and dispell can’t compete with a 5 target instant flameshock.
Tankelem much better at spinning flags than a Ret even with Bubble.
So in a BG like arathi yeah, Sham>Paladin.
Ah yes, the BG where being Invincible for over 10 seconds isn’t extremely beneficial, especially when half the team can do it
5min cd for the paladin, always up for the tank shaman.
Don’t expect grey parsing shaman to understand this though
… I’m a Druid, what are you on about
I’m so glad I put that moron on ignore.
the moron you but on ignore has more braincells than most FoTM players.
no one has ever crit a 10k chimera shot in PvP
Lets just ignore consumes for the moment. especially since a shaman can purge most potions. If a shaman does not have wolves and is not mounted and the hunter is max range it should be ez for the hunter to never take damage. If the shaman has wolves it is pretty much 100% they will get to you. The wolves get to you almost instantly and unless you can time an explosive trap that happens to root both of them as they get summoned, allowing you to multi shot them they will probably get to you before you can kill them. You cannot use cheetah while wolves are up so you are moving at normal speed and the shaman is moving at +60% movement speed. Pretty easy for them to catch you.
Idk what they did to wolf stun to make it so good in sod because in wotlk it was absolute GARBAGE. But even with deter up in monkey + my normal passive dodge change I still always seem to get bashed TWICE by the wolves no matter what. Either way you need to kill the wolves before you can deal with the shaman since they take 0 damage and have like a 4% chance to be crit.
I challenge you to land a freezing trap on a sprinting shaman that has freedom without scattering them first. Also it is almost never a good idea to freeze before scatter since a 2 second scatter is pretty worthless in most situations. You pretty much need to grenade off the scatter to get any use of it outside of interrupting abilities at that point. And 90% of shamans are orcs so imp conc and grenades are useless half the time. Also if the target is immune to slows you cannot proc an imp conc anyway because they just immune the ability.
Feign does nothing to wolves. It works like 10% of the time if there is another target for them to attack. A frost trap is useless vs a shaman with freedom and sprint and it does nothing to stop the wolves unless it roots them. Also you can control the wolves it takes like 1 second to retarget a feignd hunter and /petattack.
You are talking to a bottom 10% player.
They talk asif they know how to counter things, but can’t even perform scripted fights. Literal mouth breathers thinking they know how to play because of their class.
Always up for shaman until any player with 2 funtioning brain cells stuns them and they fall over dead.
Stick to PvE chump, DBM can’t help you in PvP.
Here is a scripted encounter you should be able to master… click your portrait at the top right and select “change character”, find your main and click on that, then post like you have a set.
Yeah the current tankiest class in the game just falls over dead after being stunned.
This is why you grey parse
People defending this class, hunter or druid need to visit a doctor. This is unacceptable when there’s a massive viability gap between nonmeta and meta classes.
Rets don’t exist and blow people up, that is what is happening when you play against Shamans/Balance/Hunters as anything but mirror.
I’m glad I don’t rank anymore, this is getting worse by the moment.
All the dog pvpers whining from there low lvl alts.
Bros in the bottom 10% of players calling others bad. This is why shamans need a nerf
This is too funny.