If SOD dies, it will unironically, with zero exaggeration, be because of the horrific state Shaman is in. Because it is a broader aspect of how bad pvp is.
Shamans, especially tank shamans, literally take zero damage but will literally kill you with flame shock dot and lightning shield alone.
Don’t worry though, the 600 exos paladins could throw out was too much (Druids crit for 20k in pve btw, hunters crit for 12k in pvp) so they made divine shield worthless with a half damage so you hit things for less than 300 damage
Like it’s an actual joke they can’t just nerf damage to players with certain abilities. It’s such a joke because the massive pvp damage reduction does nothing but benefit Shamans because they can still global you but are unkillable lmfaooo
Actual sad joke when it takes one patch
Lightning Shield does 75% reduced damage to players
Starfall no longer crits players for 13k in pvp
Chimera Shot no longer crits for 11k in pvp
Would be that simple, but people migrated on because nobody wants to deal with this
some classes and abilites are quite unbalanced, but no one is gonna take you serious when you spew out exaggerated numbers like that man. I encourage you to edit your post
If you’d like, I can send you a screenshot of a 21k crit Starsuge in pve, and a 10k Chimera shot crit from a BG. Kind of sad that people think these numbers are exaggerated because of how high they are
Comparing a full raid buffed boomy to the avg full pvp gear ret is silly. My searing pains do 3-4k in raid with buffs. Doesn’t mean I’m going to 2 shot u in a bg as tank lock. However I’m pvp I can resist most of ele’s damage but paly just bubble and horse at me then I insta die because u can’t get holy res, and you can’t kite them when they have full CDs. So while ret doesn’t nuke like boomy. It’s also because they have better mobility and better defensive CDs. Also boomy spells can be resisted and have to be hard casted.
ST should of been 10 man and a 3 day lockout. Idk if reusing the SoM raids was a problem. Phase 4 is my favorite phase so far. I didn’t like the artificial fr requirement but outside of that it felt really good to gear through d1>d2>t1
Please send them at once. This must be studied. Please show me the 21k starfire on chromag during arcane vuln. Please show me the 10k chimera shot in a BG.
Have you been playing recently? Druids and pallies are clearly on top. It’s no comparison. They are slaughtering people in single stun globals. Mind you, they are slaughtering R14 players in full pvp BiS and flasked. Get with the program. Shammies were OP in phases 2-3 (somewhat 4). Pallies have been OP since P1, and now reign supreme. Boomies have been OP since P1, and now reign supreme. Get it right!
More like an entire year of this nonstop spam from the same small group of posters who don’t even seem to play SoD because none of you anti sham players have a clue what you are talking about. You make stuff up just to try and force a nerf.
FoTSeason classes leeching off their class viability and OPness rather than being good. A tale as old as time itself.
Anything that is actually meta, shamans, druids, hunters, priests isn’t a problem.