I find it funny how much Pallys attack Shaman nonstop but over 30% of Alliance Speedrun tanks are Pally, over 30% of Alliance Speedun healers are Pally and 23% of Alliance Speedrun Melee DPS are Pally
Statistically the most played class by a mile and they’re such a headache in PvP, especially when it feels like there’s always another Paladin with 2 more bubbles and a LoH ready
Because PvE matters in a PvP discussion, clown.
PvP wise shamans are just peak broken alongside boomies and hunters, yet it is fine for them to be broken ontop of (resisting stuns and) grounding/decoying those ontop + being tanky/having slows/range damage/heals that actually do healing.
I’ll have more sympathy when I’m not playing AB against a team of 7+ Paladins all rotating being the main character
Play a paladin, boomies/shamans/hunters have been MC since day one of SoD.
Melee players and paladins in particular meanwhile struggling to survive PvP in every phase.
Probs do another count. Shaman at the top
Do you even know how to find this number?
Yep it’s called using your eyes
What does this have to do with PvP? Maybe if I could invade other peoples raids and murder them mid speedrun this would make sense.
They can only use 1 bubble and loh is an hour cd. A paladin is way easier to kill than a tank ele sham that pushes 2 buttons. Maybe if you are comparing ret to enh you can say pally is stronger but nothing is more boaring to fight than a tank ele shaman.
Someone in the bottom 10% of players calling others scrubs
heh tank shaman are indeed busted.
i dont think the other specs of shaman are though.
i also dont think that randoms on the forums even know what spec of shaman they are going against and couldnt pick the spec out of a line up of shaman ala the police line up style of things.
they would say they all look the same or some other idiotic thing .
Cry more elite parser make you feel better?
Why don’t you post on your main, we need a good laugh.
Think everyone has a good laugh when you post
Sod is at the end of it’s cycle it and it’s already a sucess. Popularity drop is expected for MMOs it happens to every single one.
You keep hiding kid, some day those balls might drop.
Just put him on ignore like I did. First person I have ever ignored on the forums and its been great.
Truth hurts the grey parsers
as a hunter, the only way i can even compete vs a shaman is by having all 8 world buffs, and even then they usually still kill me
they are very op
Ok, lets assume they have spirit wolves. What spec are you playing? MM lone wolf? Do you have Imp Con Shot, entrapment, Clever Traps? Imp Wing Clip? Shaman using Faps, Lips, Engineering? Are you using Faps, Engineering?
First of all you know you can Freezing trap them while Fap’d? Wolves have a 2 sec stun if you are already at max range. How is the shaman getting on top of you? What are you saving trinket for? Force them to trinket Freezing Trap, scatter them and get distance. You should be able to feign death wolves them off you and drop a frost trap. They last 45 secs and have a 3min CD.
I dont want to get ahead of myself. So I will wait till you answer those questions first.
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Back and forth across frost trap, kill shotting on cd, viper sting is huge if it’s a true tank shaman, survive till the 2nd freeze trap and gg.
Ripsod, you should definitely be screenshotting this stuff.
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