An Apology

Dan Avidan is a good singer but I like his stuff that isn’t ninja sex party solely more.

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Chalice with some fresh cattle juice, I’m really comfy in my vampire boots! Mogal ballin’ every day act a fool.

Young Scrolls is :fire: :fire: :fire:

Don’t look at me, I’m just here for the Skyrim references.

The only Skyrim canon is that Ulfric’s head is on a pike in the Imperial capital.


I enjoyed Skyrim but because of the bobbing animation with the movement I could only play it once. I had to take Dramamine just to not get sick my first and only play-through.

It’s difficult for me to play games like Fallout and the like because of my motion sickness.

This never happened to me until I tried out Neeher’s “Select Assault Rifle” mod. There’s something about the run animation he gave the rifle and the natural head bob of the game that just collided into an instant uninstall or I was gonna puke.

It sucks cause I really want to love and play these games but I immediately get sick because of the head bobs/walking.

I can’t justify games that require me to buy medications to play.

And that’s why I quit PvP, heyoooo.

No but really, the wine bill was becoming too much for me to keep up with arenas.

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I remember a game called Timesplitters. Instead of the camera bobbing, the hand did. Boy, I wish they had a 4th timesplitters.

Or if you’ve released a hit single about the Cloud District


I don’t think you’re wrong and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were setting us up for a completely “Everyone for themselves” Tamriel. The Mede Empire has had a lot going against it from the early days with the Umbriel crisis all the way to “modern times” with the war against the Dominion and now the Stormcloak Rebellion, with heavy hints towards The War Against the Dominion Part 2.

Alternatively, since “everything is canon” whether we destroy the Dark Brotherhood or not, I think they’ve set us up for a temporarily divided Tamriel followed by another charismatic demigod.

Respect to the Mede Dynasty though, they’re basically the first “True Mortals” to have done what they did. You can argue that’s due to the framework laid by the Septim Dynasty but even then, they provided a suitable replacement for the dream-guided descendants of an Actual God and then kept it (mostly) together for 200 years.

Alessia, Reman, Tiber, they were actively courted by the Divines and counted the Impossible among their numbers and allies. The Medes just went “Well we’re taking this and we’ll be holding onto it, by gaw.” and did it.


I have a feeling that Elder Scrolls 6 is going to deal with the Thalmor/Empire war… but also the return of the Dwemer. I might be dead wrong. But I think that’ll be the big threat.

This would be so awesome.

I’m usually not the “No, absolutely not” type of person but they’ve pretty consistently managed across several writing teams, project directors, and like five of their seven games - and hell, even the most prolific pro-Dwemer members of their modding community - so far to keep that a thing that just isn’t going to happen.

That said thanks to c0da you’re welcome to install some “o no the Dwemer are back” mods and they can’t say that isn’t true.

Eh I don’t find the Dwemer all that interesting to be honest. The Thalmor/Empire War interests me way more.

I just think their cruelty, and thus eventual return is an overhanging plot device that one day will be unleashed.

I feel like you’re not wrong but it’ll be part of a disastrous spin-off from Microsoft farming out a side console game or something to an unproven, underfunded side-studio.

Basically it’ll be the Brotherhood of Steel (the game not the faction) of the Elder Scrolls universe.

But who knows maybe they’ve been setting it up to be an insane reveal and it’ll be amazing and holy got dang, I just hope not. I actually find them, as a lore entity, really fascinating - especially how they basically turned magic into math so they could definitively ‘solve’ it and do all the things they do - but as Just Another Evil Elf Faction they’d immediately lose all of that.

Yeah, I’m not reading all of that.

Is it over?

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I logged in for this.

Edit: I made it halfway through.

Not till the fish jumps.


At long last

No drama rules forever, my son

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