An Apology

So sayeth the individual stamping their feet over the “alt-right” label of all things. In a thread involving screenshots about actual derogatory language.

I’m not upset, I said so in the beginning. Is this projection?

You’re either not black or looking for clout from white people. Either way it’s embarrassing my guy.


Such a shame that certain people here are so thin skinned that they have to throw tantrums.

Also a shame it isn’t the forum regulars.

Wasn’t talking to you, please stop projecting on me, NPC.

I see nuance is lost to you.

What was that John Mulaney bit?

“If you’re comparing the badness of two words, and you won’t even say one of them? That’s the worse word.”

It seems especially apt here.

Nuance BOFA.

A basic elementary school reading comprehension. I was asking about the right wingers labelled racist/sexist/homophobic being genuinely racist/sexist/homophobic and you used yourself as an example.

Unless you are frequently called racist/sexist/homophobic which is a large yikes from me.

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Well, you’re half right. I’m arabic.

:Confused blinking:

It’s your turn to find out what that acronym calls for.

You either want to have a meaningful talk or just keep being a mouthpiece for others.

Y’know, none of this is gonna make Daddy love you.

All I am getting is Bank of America.

I just want to pipe in during all this chaos at how hilarious it is people are still calling American right wingers conservatives when they’re so eager to get the government involved in anything they can these days.

Also I am fairly positive that Trump is just a puppet for Kushner but my tinfoil hat is about to fall off and I can’t afford a new roll of tinfoil this week.

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Try ‘ligma’ instead.

600! Holy crap!

And here. we. go.

Weird Champ