Oh that? Nah that’s just cause we listen to this while we’re in queue for an hour+
Oh that? Nah that’s just cause we listen to this while we’re in queue for an hour+
That’s what happens when all the PvP players across your entire faction NA/EU don’t want to play with you, gatekeep, and exploit the queue system to play with everyone but you.
Made up stats are THEE best stats.
How can you look at the situation now and come to any other conclusion?
Ally ruined pvp for themselves. They had all their best players self select out, get insanely imbalanced matches in their favor that they never should have had which meant that the Horde PUGs had to try way harder.
Then most of those premades went away. It’s not a surprise at all that Ally get curb stomped. And until you accept that it’s your own fault, it will never improve.
Blizzard is never going to move the horde spot back. They’re never going to change sides. Your only option is to L2P, or cry.
I absolutely guarantee you they will be complaining about how horde is ‘OP in AB’ because we’re .1 seconds closer to the lumbermill or something.
No. All you need to do is get better.
End thread.
Why would you even play AV if you don’t need rep as alliance? Just let it go.
Clearly most of the new alliance pvp players are retail kids. I have a feeling after reading the majority of these posts that most returning players went horde.
If you could not handle it. You should of stayed retail.
I’m losing my mind in these pugs. But I must continue.
Well I have a lvl 60 horde and made an allliance character on a different server. I didn’t like the long que times but I’m sure I won’t enjoy just getting beat up all the time so other side can farm honor. I want to farm honor myself and I don’t care what faction its in.
I’m not sure how it is possible to die 115 times in a single AV.
It’s the easiest but hardest to get because horde dont coordinate in ab most of the time.
Alliance are their own worst enemy.
Premades that left groups half empty.
Pregame silence
Pregame arguing over Strats
AFK and bots
“Let them win fast”
Failure to take and PROTECT a GY
Any stumble or set back…give up
Spread out and don’t communicate.
I’ve just hit exalted. Maybe 50-60 games with 2 wins and the rest abysmal losses. I wanted to PVP in AV. I was excited.
This was miserable. Alliance just gave up.
This statement bothers me greatly.
Zug Zugs always flip floppin to taunt everyone. You wanted alliance to organize, so they did, then you called it cheating and wanted it destroyed. So blizzard did.
Now you blame pug losses on them for organizing and the current state of pvp.
Anything to distract from the fact that its you guys that are the problem. Sitting there stubbornly Super stacking imbalanced factions, ignoring balance and doing nothing about it.
Just like you wont come balance things out to help keep classic viable its not my or premades jobs to carry pve hero’s that have no desires to learn, get better or work as a group in pvp.
Hold yourself accountable for the part you play before blaming others.
Haha its easy reroll alliance and actually try to take an objective.
I don’t think there is enough time in a game to revive 115 times and then run and die.
Alliance has created 2 tiers of pvping - the ranker premades and the low ranked pugs. Horde has had more homogeneous AVs, with a mix of high and low ranks. It makes a big difference, because the experienced players know what to do to win.
I see where you went wrong when considering my statement.
The part where you are dismissing everything so you can feel like a victim?
lol /10char