Amirdrassil: The Final Form

Long gone are the days of Virin being the worst we had in this parts of the forum.
At least ppl would argument and be somewhat reasonable, now all we get are ppl mad at blizzard for anything they do, be it bad, meh or good.
Ppl forgets this is just a game and it has its limitations for representing things.

You should have the power to show disagreement yeah but what we got here is are demands that makes no sense.
And almost it all come from NE players…


Or come to expect it as the norm. As seen here.

You are going to get a whole expansion dedicated to Quelthelas, Silvermoon and queldenas revamp.
If the NEs ever demanded anything similar you would call them crazy and unreasonable. What’s next three movie grade cinematics about them? Crazy talk!

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While I understand you don’t like the content, it’s hard to deny that the Night Elves are overrepresented in the game right now. We haven’t had true blood elf content in like 15 years and the zones are stuck in their TBC state


If you mean overrepresented in the 0.5 scraps that is used as vehicle to tell other stories for sure.

I don’t want to type up an essay, the NE’s issues were gaslit into this thing called renewal which was a tool to rebless the dragons. What the NE’s needed and required was the scraps they could slice off the bone.

If they had properly allocated resources and solved issues this could have been sorted in shadowlands. But they stretch it out because the NE’s are tool to tell the bigger main story.

They did this in BFA, they did it in SL and now they are doing it in DF. Its always a tool to tell some other story. If you want to argue that other tools should be used I 100% agree with you and agree the NE tool is overused but we have to recognize that they are still a tool.

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So that was a dissertation about how you don’t like the content, and not a response on how the race is overrepresented in the game. I understand your perspective on the matter though.

More of an abstract, wouldn’t you say?

You are the one here been unreasonable, tyrande has been on the spotlight since Legion, you got Val’sharah,the emerald nightmare. The first patch leading to nighthold as content for NE too
Illidan questline and relationship with his brother and tyrande getting closure.
BFA you get the teldrassil fiasco, darkshore, Azshara,
Shadowlands the whole of ardeweald is about NE and the cycle of renewal,
Tyrande getting closure with Sylvanas and been her judge.
Dragonflight you get the seed, you get the seed, the heritage armor and its variant, you get a raid to protect the tree and now the this tree will become a zone next patch for NIGHT ELVES.
Yeah not all of these were greatly executed but NE are the ones getting most content or relevancy in the devs agendas for almost 10 years. Crazy talk is to still demands for a whole old world revamp just so you can log out your toon in a zone.
Not even 0,5% of the playerbase will be sitting in this tree comes next expansion and even less would do it if this tree was located in Ashenvale or Felwood.
Be realistic not delusional.
And for blood elves, good Quel’thalas is in need of an update, but we still do not know what will happen other than
" the void attacks", that could mean a lot of things and we are at least 3 to 4 years away from this expansion.


It seems oddly widespread in that way. And I say that as someone who really likes Night Elves.

I will concede that this one sentence does address the topic.

The argument is the generalized NE fans expect the impossible.
But in one expansion’s time you will be getting the unreasonable impossibility.

We can both quote random character presence in the story and how their presence brings relevancy until we are blue in the face.
But if Blizzard had spent the time and money in giving the NEs what they gave to the Blood Elves and what they will be giving away soon you would not be hearing a peep for the unreasonable NE fans.

Why should anyone be happy they are getting a free buffet of garbage? Just because its free?


If one good thing is coming from all this it is that they won’t touch Kaldorei for a long time likely. Probably for the next decade at least. I am really ready for it all to just be over.

They ask for new customizations literally every time anyone else gets any. They’re also the most likely to make “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE! DESTROY ALL ALLIANCE I HATE ALLIANCE!” threads and posts. It’s like this bizarre little man syndrome that you can see play out in real time, like Blood elf players have to convince themselves they fit into Horde by being the most jingoistic players.

Also, you guys know you can just ignore Smallioz right?


Hey, you did a cool thing. You should never feel bad about sharing something neat that makes you happy. Don’t let people dampen your fun just because they’re incapable of enjoying it.


I don’t believe this. The hardcore fans would find SOMETHING to complain about. They were complaining even before War of Thorns. Especially since this game is about conflict and war, so you know a Night Elf expansion would involve at least one instance of death or destruction (unless they were planning to bore us all to sleep)

There is also the very real problem of Night Elf fatigue for people who don’t hang out on the lore forums all day like us

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Like I said this is a GAME blood elves are most played race in this game and its not gonna change, they have to please the majority of the playerbase. That is how financies works you invest in what gives retuns, thats the only reason blood elves get bits of attentions here and there.
Do you see gnomes or goblins getting attention? Or perhaps nightborne? They are elves too, with alot of problems to their model, and still blizzard has not even touched it nor giving development for any of their issues. Cuz it does not give financial return!
You are asking for things that cost money, manpower and approval from the higher-ups , this is not a game made to please you or every single player. If you think that, you are delusional as flat earth fanatic is.

But alas this whole ordeal with teldrassil is OVER like you or not, this is what you are getting, and you paying sub or leaving, does not matter, never had, since you just kinda returned, so your money or the lack of it never truly got you the lore and ingame representation you so desperately desire.
What I mean is, the argument that you are not paying them money as a form of protest will not work.

Oh because there were plenty to complain about before BFA too. Ashenvale being half deforested and on fire, Darkshore under invasion and broken by Cataclysm. Meanwhile Quelthelas? Still… somewhat pristine in how it has been left. Its not constantly being f’d with to piss people off.

Yeah but the conflict and war is always the Horde starting the conflict, destroy the stuff of the other guy to make the war super cool. Then they feel sorry and its over and they are the heroes again being summoned avenger’s style.
Meanwhile we get strung along for years and have ruins to contend with until… now actually.
We get a couple of assets plopped down and I guess we expected too much. :laughing:
Nothing would have been better than this.

Its not a form of protest, I pay for what I enjoy, I am going to play this patch for another two weeks. It seems bare on content and the end result is lazy garbage that hardly motivates me to resub or keep playing.
When the sub runs out I will play something that I enjoy more until I see something more interesting in WoW to resub for again.

Until then if the topic comes about Amirdrassil I will let my thoughts concerning it heard. Whether you like it or not.

Very true, thats why the Horde gets so much attention and content like entire expansions dedicated to them, high grade cinematics and etc and etc. They are the remaining playerbase. There aren’t any Alliance players left due to years of neglect and favoritism (content and gameplay).
I agree with you 100%, it makes sense businesswise, so I am glad we agree that this is half effort crap and we should not expect better if you choose to align yourself with the minority. But I am still going to point it out rather than be silent on it.

I still find plenty of Alliance players about.

This reeks of special snowflake syndrome. Night elves who controlled half of a continent vs. Blood elves who hold a tiny tip of Eastern Kingdoms, half of which is still blighted by the scourge. If anything, the War of Thorns leveled the playing field between elves a bit (as much as I disliked that storyline)

They don’t make up a sustainable number, they aren’t competitive or active to the same level as the Horde playerbase.

Are we jumping into meta game design or talking about the story?

Oh, ok. Good change to the prior statement.