Amirdrassil: The Final Form

And that makes it even worse, since it’s just a single zone within an expansion continent. Even less reason for Blizzard to want to revisit it.

Look, I hope you’re right, but I have no reason to think this will be any different. Besides, it’s still messed up that the Night Elves aren’t even building their city in their ancestral homeland.

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This sentence is a non-sequitur.

Not having high-expectations with Blizzard is one thing and fine, making up all these others reasons as if they’re already in stone facts with a predetermined outcome is a whole other.

They blew up their ancestral homeland, I honestly couldn’t care less where we got the city. Moreso since we also have portals.


That’s literally what a troll would say!

Is that also a troll reply?

Just because you say something is a non-sequitur doesn’t make it one. I am drawing from experience on how Blizzard has treated expansion zones in the past. If you think that’s meaningless to bring up then I don’t know how to help you.

Why are you being so randomly hostile and accusing me of making things up? I was in no way rude or hostile toward you, and in fact I hope you’re correct.

You know what? I was going to respond to this line by line, but this just reveals to me that you are rude and resorting to bad-faith personal attacks. So you are not worth listening to.

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By automatically declaring they’re never gonna touch it again you are in fact making things up and already given up.

I’m not saying “oh don’t fret they’re totally gonna add more and more guaranteed” but I haven’t given up and devolved into raging over something I made up in my mind that we have absolutely no confirmation on.



I’m cautiously hopeful they will continue and expand on it. I’m not expecting a drastic update where it suddenly becomes Darnassus 2 though.

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Darnassus was even more irrelevant when the Horde burned it down.

The souls that hallow this Tree make a temple irrelevant. The Tree itself IS a temple.


The Temple of Elune is one of the most ironic building in the game. Mixed Greek architecture with garden design, a large night elf statue and amazing music. Without all of this, Bel’ameth will be (actually, already is) only a slightly fancier Hyjal. Another NE zone focusing only on druidism. Taking these things away, is like taking away big part of Kaldorei culture. The tree is already sacred, but you can also show it by creating magnificent buildings, something the night elves are very skilled at.

It isn’t only a city of druids who only need to worship aspects of nature, the night elves have extensive architecture and art that is more associated with the cult of Elune than drudism.

Amirdrassil itself desperately needs some distinctive features that would make Bel’ameth associate not only with aspects of nature. This place now is more like Val’sharah than Darnassus.



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The Temple of Elune in Darnassus was only a copy of the same buildings in Azshara… only not ruined. Bel’ameth is now a city completely free of the old Imperial building styles.

I call that a feature, not a bug.


…Yes. Darnassus became completely irrelevant when it was burned down.

I…is there a point, here??

At least before it burned down we had it as an important location in the war in BFA, the Horde infiltrated it during MoP. In vanilla it was the only Alliance capitol on Kalimdor. It was also located within the starting zone of one of the playable races. It was just as relevant as any other city that wasn’t Stormwind or Orgrimmar. It was certainly more relevant than Silvermoon and Exodar (expansion zones that were promptly forgotten about, hence my concerns).

I’m not gonna sit here and say Darnassus was some bustling metropolis where players were moving in and out every day. Of course not, Blizzard consolidated everything in the two main cities years ago.

But it certainly had more relevancy before it burned down.

If nothing else, I don’t understand why Teldrassil’s lack of relevance means Amirdrassil should be just as, if not more, irrelevant.

But for real, I genuinely hope I’m completely wrong. Amirdrassil looks cool as hell and I’d love for it to become an ongoing and important city for the Alliance. Personally, I still wish Amirdrassil was somewhere in northern Kalimdor, where the Night Elves live.


It was completely irrelevant BEFORE it burned down. Once a night elf player made level 12 they left Teldrassil, frequently never to return. (When the portal to Stormwind was put in, some left even earlier.)

It was the least defended Alliance city in World PVP. (It would later share that honor with the Exodar)

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You’d think this repeated trend that’s been going on for the entire games history would’ve made that clear tbh.

And to be completely honest, I can’t say I really care about how relevant a zone is to gameplay down the line. Frankly, if these zones did become relevant, the majority of players would prolly rail against needing to move around the hubs to keep up with stuff, like with Dazar Alor’s layout.

Beyond that. The core fantasy of the race is their connection to Kalimdor and their cultural roots as it’s spiritual defenders. And if any place is going to become a hub to represent them, it 100% should be a place actually emblematic of their core culture and beliefs. It doesn’t really matter if “well, they still live there too!” is used as a justification if all the focus DOES end up going to Amirdrassil, because that’s fundamentally shifting their focus and identity away from their lands and praising it as a good thing lol. It does not matter if a band-aid piece of dialogue is made to say ‘those places are cool too’ if all they’re willing to actively show is against that original identity.


Thats not what you said

and I’ve already argued against the idea that it was completely irrelevant. I think my counterpoints are pretty clear.

ahhh Fandral raids, good times

No it isn’t.

What do you think the Emerald Dream is?

Good argument. There’s very little refutation I can give you beyond go read most NE lore and look at most NE history.

The Druids are the only ones really tied to that. Elune doesn’t have association with it in their culture. And the Druids didn’t even want to be there, it was done out of obligation to Ysera.


As good as yours.

I forgot that Druids and Night Elves have no association.

This is untrue, especially as of this latest patch.

Source for this?