Amirdrassil: The Final Form

Waiting on the doomsayers to rant over something bad in all of this.

Seriously this is the best treatment a race has ever gotten in this game, not even orcs and humans got all this attention when cataclysm redesign things.
And per wowhead article you will even have battle pets to catch, quests to do and portals to all NE holdings in the planet.
All that is lacking is a bank and a AH and bam a full fledged capital.


Waiting on the doomsayers to rant over something bad in all of this.

Already happening.

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Cool additions.

What I’m interested in is if Bel’ameth/Amirdrassil becomes Alliance-aligned and hostile to Horde or not in the next update.

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I love this guy is just living his best giant poofy hat life.

Curious what she is about.


I’m rather curious on that as well. On that note of faction towns, does anyone know if Toghusuq Village has been rebuilt into a Windtotem settlement or are they still rebuilding?

I wouldn’t want to keep you waiting! It’s a beautiful new zone but Blizzard should’ve found a way to place any new tree/city in Kalimdor instead of the growing it half way around the world.

Other than than I’m liking it but a few Stone Buildings would make it better to try recapture the lost Darnassus Aesthetics.


Looks like some of the Shen’dralar studied Fel Magic, and are teaching new recruits.


They better take lessons from the Kirin Tor(who learned how to stem the drain of Life to a standstill in Blasted Lands in the Beyond the Dark Portal Book) and ward the area so that Fel doesn’t suck the Life from the Zone.

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Being fair they did keep Immol’thar locked up for 10,000 years and had the skill set to convert its Fel energy into Arcane energy.


It’s funny how even Night Elves Warlocks have more lore to back them up than NEPaladins.
Daelaa Moonfang turning to Humans to properly teach her what apparently the Sisterhood of Elune was lacking is a bad way to introduce Paladins IMO.

They look to perhaps be walking that back, as she is kneeling before a moonwell on at the Terrace of the Moon. The side she is on is suspiciously empty, whereas the other side is populated with priestesses. So I have a suspicion…


The new Tyr quests where they are basically abbsorbing all groups of Paladins into a single banner is a huge red flag for me and the idea of NE Paladins.


Under the same orgnaization, similar to class halls, from the Paladins themselves they still all have their own beliefs and culture, the Zandalari for example is empowered by the Loa Torcali.


Yeah… I don’t like it. They could all join forces or whatever from time to time but there shouldn’t be any one single organization.


If anything Paladins should be the group that has a unified organization. It’s the fantasy Justice League.

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I don’t think the Tyr’s guard is an umbrella organization like the Silver Hand was in legion. Rather these are just individuals who’ve joined because they seem to look up to Tyr and his virtues. I admit it does feel a bit weird seeing a troll, a blood elf, and a draenei in a order based around Tyr, but I don’t think it means the prelates, blood knights and the hand of argus have anything to do with the Tyr’s guard.


Just wanna say again how pretty this place is at night. Blizzard, just make it always night time here.


but I don’t think it means the prelates, blood knights and the hand of argus have anything to do with the Tyr’s guard.

Because they don’t and never have. Those three orders are entirely separate from the Tyr’s Guard.


It might be my imagination, but doesn’t it feel like the Emerald Dream version of Amirdrassil is in perpetual daylight?


it has its own skybox, left over from its time in the dream. The whole zone’s skybox needs looked at.