Amirdrassil: The Final Form

So just because its alliance content I should expect less?

Less than what? This is as much as a post-campaign city as Bilgewater Harbor is. I don’t set my hearth there even though I love goblins because like this city it doesn’t have an AH and bank, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t nice to visit occasionally. All that really matters is SW, Org, and Expansion “Flavor of the Month” areas; and that’s how it’s always been since at least Wrath and arguably since Vanilla.

This seems like a nothingburger since as gameplay mechanics go Darnassus/Undercity/etc still exist. This is a writing device, and if I was writing Warcraft I’d have done the same (I was calling for the Horde Kalimdor and Alliance EK back in Cataclysm.)

Pretty sure round 2 was the alliance burning your caravans. Are you sure you want to keep perpetuating the cycle?

Instead of looking at pretty things?

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That’s something the Night Elves never figured out, if classic Darnassus is any indicator.

Let’s roll out!!! :rofl:

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Extend Brill too while they’re at it.


The Horde is still recruiting, if you’re interested

I can’t identify with the Horde. With whatever I felt connection with has been thoroughly killed off. I play them but I feel no connection to them.

I always identified with the underdogs more than I did the privileged class, and yeah b wording about equality and justice is in my nature. I can’t help it.

So I’ve been playing WoW since I was 13 in Vanilla (god help me) and slowly saw myself shift overtime. All my nostalgia is alliance based and I still have plenty of alts there, but I just became so burnt out with the generic fantasy aesthetic. My big problem is that the forsaken are just so disgracefully written that I have a hard time being on the same side as them. I would write a manifesto about it but don’t want to raise my blood pressure.

I know I have tried making a horde PC or two since BFA but I always mentally go back to the WoT and feel vaguely gross.

I don’t mind the classics and the common trope that generic fantasy aesthetic sucks I find it misplaced. If something sucks, it sucks regardless.

Horde was cool early on but playing as them as Kaileath said, feels gross, I never enjoyed playing the role of the hypocritical oppressing person and those people make me angry when I see them on TV. I feel the same way about the Horde until they make actual amends. Until then they “gross” me out as Kaileath put it.


The tree was downed before you all attacked us. We had no beef with ya’ll previously.

Call it payback.

I only have myself to blame for burning out on generic fantasy, as it was basically the only content I consumed for over a decade.

I think it’s the whiplash between the “honorable savage” trope and the “cartoon villain” trope that I struggle with. And the forsaken are the worst offenders. It’s a shame because the forsaken COULD HAVE been a really compelling race of tragic misunderstood people. At least we kind of get to explore that with the Death Knights.

You can definitely see the internal dispute between metzen’s vision for the forsaken as a people who are persevering through tragedy and the opposing “Scourge 2.0” view within their story team play out over WoW and come to a head in BFA.


It’s not enough.
It will never be enough.

In case you missed it.

Nah you’d have something more to request if you’d gotten all of that.

Nevermind that you don’t speak for the entire fanbase. Yana is screeching in the discord even now.

I think I know myself better than you do.

Idk who yana is and why should I care?

Better response that puts into effect that you don’t speak for al nelf fans

Who are you and why should Yana care?

Who said I spoke for all night elf fans? I speak for myself and only myself.

I am me and I don’t know any Yana, so not sure why you brought them up