Amirdrassil: The Final Form

Not to remove the merit of your point.

But quel’thalas is built on outland in the game files.

Siege of orgrimmar is an instanced raid.

8.3 you are right though, the content was made in uldum and pandaria.

I was talking about narrative. If we want to talk about location in the game files though, Battlefield Barrens (5.3) was in the real Barrens.


As I was going through the Amirdrassil questline, I kept having the thought of “this is a pretty good night elf heritage quest.

Oh, wait, right, it’s been made the main campaign.”

It shouldn’t be. The Green Dragons need their own content where they’re not just the night elves’ backup dancers. The night elves need the closure of their story, yes, but on Kalimdor, and they don’t need to be shoved in the entire playerbase’s faces any more than they have been.

I like Tyrande and like following her through the story. But Horde players really need their own Emerald-Dream-related characters to get some buildup, and this would have been a great time to do so. And, in doing so, the story could better establish why the Horde player should independently care about Amirdrassil, rather than the justification being 80% “this is the night elves’ new home and it’s in danger, save it” and only 20% “oh yeah, reality’s in danger and other such generic bland non-illustrated reasons”.


It is perhaps a bit tinfoil hat of me, but I see a pattern here:

Seems exactly like what you would want if you were trying to compress the elves into a singular elven empire in Midnight.

I feel MoP is a bad example as 5.4 returns us to Pandaria in terms of the Timeless Isle, the corrupted Vale and the first wing of SoO. Even 5.3 has the Dark Heart of Pandaria scenario.

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Seems they are really trying to get the point across with the NPC selection. There are visitors and settlers. There are also portals to stormwind, Feralas (not expecting that!), Hyjal, and Darkshore.

Right now it goes to the Cataclysm era phase which is peculiar. Perhaps they plan to make a new additional one?

Also he finally got a glow up :face_holding_back_tears:


Evenshade is looking amazing!

And would you look at the that, night elves who distinctly not live at Amirdrassil visiting the island. Hopefully that will put an end to the debate.


night elf doomers ended

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There is also a region of the isle where the misfits seem to be congregating—The DKs, the DHs, and the Kaldorei Darkfallen.

The Shen’dralar are also highly integrated into this new society they are building on Amirdrassil. There are all over the place.

I’ve found:

  • A lodge for Wardens, Warriors, and Hunters
  • The Rootbound Sanctuary is the HQ of the druids of the talon
  • Whorlwing Basin looks to be a druid of the moon HQ with a special always night time skybox
  • The Barrows of Reverie is now controlled by the Druids of the Claw
  • The Fields of Reverie seem to be Druids of the Branch HQ
  • The Twilight Watchtower is where Kaldorei DHs, DKs, and Darkfallen have gathered.

Basically there is a place for everyone.


Mordent finally got some stylish clothes? Thats cool.


Waiting on the doomsayers to rant over something bad in all of this.

Seriously this is the best treatment a race has ever gotten in this game, not even orcs and humans got all this attention when cataclysm redesign things.
And per wowhead article you will even have battle pets to catch, quests to do and portals to all NE holdings in the planet.
All that is lacking is a bank and a AH and bam a full fledged capital.


Waiting on the doomsayers to rant over something bad in all of this.

Already happening.

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Cool additions.

What I’m interested in is if Bel’ameth/Amirdrassil becomes Alliance-aligned and hostile to Horde or not in the next update.

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I love this guy is just living his best giant poofy hat life.

Curious what she is about.


I’m rather curious on that as well. On that note of faction towns, does anyone know if Toghusuq Village has been rebuilt into a Windtotem settlement or are they still rebuilding?

I wouldn’t want to keep you waiting! It’s a beautiful new zone but Blizzard should’ve found a way to place any new tree/city in Kalimdor instead of the growing it half way around the world.

Other than than I’m liking it but a few Stone Buildings would make it better to try recapture the lost Darnassus Aesthetics.


Looks like some of the Shen’dralar studied Fel Magic, and are teaching new recruits.


They better take lessons from the Kirin Tor(who learned how to stem the drain of Life to a standstill in Blasted Lands in the Beyond the Dark Portal Book) and ward the area so that Fel doesn’t suck the Life from the Zone.

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Being fair they did keep Immol’thar locked up for 10,000 years and had the skill set to convert its Fel energy into Arcane energy.


It’s funny how even Night Elves Warlocks have more lore to back them up than NEPaladins.
Daelaa Moonfang turning to Humans to properly teach her what apparently the Sisterhood of Elune was lacking is a bad way to introduce Paladins IMO.