Amirdrassil Seems Fine

The quest for the rogue legendary weapon happened IN Cataclysm. When conflict in the zone was still active and ongoing. Before it was dropped and forgotten about. Hiram Creed was a black dragon disguising himself as a Gilnean noble, I’m aware. I don’t think this questline is even relevant to post-cata Gilneas events.

Then we jump straight into BfA. Oh what was this… MoP, WoD, Legion… three whole expansions?! Wow, 3 whole expansions with no sources. Shocking.

But sure. We kill a guy developing weapons inside the borders of the kingdom of Gilneas, and we learn some undead are being raised in the sludge fields. Gotcha, extremely minor events but sure.

Now this is interesting. Forsaken occupying the former Kingdom of Gilneas makes sense, I wouldn’t have denied that. But occupying an abandoned kingdom isn’t exactly difficult, or much of a conflict.

I guess this wasn’t exactly true then, was it? The Gilneans didn’t reclaim it. The Forsaken willingly left. Funny that.

Then we have another expansion of no updates, and then we FINALLY get the proper reclamation of Gilneas. After some Scarlets moved in, because nobody was occupying the territory.

This isn’t much of a conflict. There is barely anything here. I’m sorry but if this is what you can come up with? I only feel further vindicated.

When Gilneas was blighted, yes.

During which conflict was occurring between the factions involved in Gilneas, unless you’re going to try and tell me they just stop doing anything there when nothing is mentioned, which is just absolutely silly.

Intended for use against, as stated, Gilneas.
Not just Gilneans, not merely Gilnean forces elsewhere, but Gilneas itself.
You have to literally ignore the words of the mission to write off there being conflict in Gilneas, but you’re clearly fine with ignoring lore as evidenced by this conversation being a thing at all.

Because they’re not occupying an abandoned kingdom, because Ivar Bloodfang and his pack were still there despite Darius’ pulling his forces back, and you not knowing that is evidence of your ignorance more than it is absence of conflict.

They issued forces out of Gilneas and were conducting missions to prevent their opposition from deploying weapons against Gilneas.
If you then wish to argue that Gilneas wasn’t to some extent reclaimed, then that is, again, just another display of your own willing ignorance.

Confirmation bias is hardly a surprise out of you.
But at least you finally admit the truth: that there was conflict.
So I rest my case.

Saving this for posterity.

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Entirely stopped? I mean, I suppose some very minor skirmishes may have occurred. But overall yes we have very little to indicate much action during this large stretch of time.

Ignoring the last block for now because clearly you aren’t understanding here. Gilneas, the Kingdom, is abandoned. It’s citizens have cleared out, and even most of the military is now operating outside of Gilneas. They were a government and people in exile until just recently when Gilneas was reclaimed. Ivar Bloodfang had notable actions in taking over Fenris Isle – which again, NOT GIlneas. And assisting the Kaldorei in Darkshore. Even in Exploring Eastern Kingdoms he is only noted as living within Shadowfang Keep. You know… on the other side of the Greymane Wall? No idea where this is coming from.

I’m sorry but Gilneas was not reclaimed before DF. Not even slightly. There was conflict in BfA between Forsaken and Gilneans, you could call that a continuation of the Cata conflict and overall I’d agree. But it isn’t quite to the extent you make it out to be.

I fully endorse this decision. You don’t get to cheat by using the old blue wall strategy of turning on PVP at the last moment.

It’s not like you have a choice… You have to go to the two faction capital cities to activate the next expansion for your character.

I’m all for the spooky train! have spooky treats served in the dining car. A random timer ( really random) where train gets attacked by a boss you can earn spooky pets and mogs from.

Halloween event = Headless horseman ambushes the train, recolored mount available on boss.

This is idiotic, in what way are they lap dogs? Because Genn stood next to Varian and Anduin? Were Vol’jin and the darkspears lapdogs from vanilla to wrath? In what way has Genn sacrificed the well being of his people to benefit Stormwind?

Amirdrassil sucks, want Teldrassil or Nordrassil, thanks.


Everyone in the alliance is a lapdogs for humans. They keep dying for reclaim THEIR land and ignore their own. That is why the blood elves left for good.

Amidrassil looks like an actual tree unlike Teldrassil whose graphics were already ancienct back in 2004. Take the nostalgia googles off for once.

Rich coming from you of all people


I know I am right since the people are finally waking up. I was right all along, Bfa was the last time the Horde got any attention simply because of faction war.

I’ve said before that I legitimately thought there was a full blown Alliance capitol behind Greymane’s Wall while leveling in Legion. I assumed I hadn’t run into many Blue players only because in general old content is pretty abandoned.

Wasn’t until I unlocked flying that I zoomed over there on my bat to buzz the place only to flap around like;

Eventually I played the Worgen intro through and still thought I was missing something as it ends abruptly with the promise you’ll be going back to Gilneas.

And then that plot thread went nowhere for over a decade.

Meanwhile at no point is it ever suggested the Forsaken care about Gilneas. It’s never brought up. Garrosh is more the main antagonist in Silverpine and then Genn pops up all the way in Legion as a sub plot villain. Who at the time seems to screw the Forsaken over but in retrospect probably spared them from whatever nightmare Sylvanas had in store with her infinite lives scheme.

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The Forsaken are doomed due to Genn. I feel like no one among them should be nice to the alliance to hell with what Calia wants.

So far they’ve been pretty neutral. Which maintains their long standing complete indifference toward any Alliance nation not actively trying to seize their territory.

They helped them slaughter some Scarlets but c’mon. That’s pleasure not buisness. Crusader crunching is the Forsaken national passtime. It’d be more of an ask to tell them to not join in.

Could like, take the new world tree model, and slap it onto Teldrassil, so your argument is stupid, like your pathetic attempt at a zinger xD


Amirdrassil needs serious updates to become a decent city for the Night Elves so I hope it’s only the beginning.

And of course never/don’t forget this :dracthyr_nod:


Can’t wait to see the Forsaken use blight trebuchets to wash the char from the ruins of Teldrassil while players of both factions trundle about killing random fire elementals with Voss in a decade.

You give us R.A.S folks enough time, we’ll even develop a plague you can take to help indigestion!

Side effects may include: internal bleeding, loss of vision, swollen limbs, increased risk of heart attack or stroke, diarrhea, ghoulification, and decreased sensitivity. Do not consume if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. Talk to your doctor if you think Indiplague is right for you. Also try Indiplague LITE! Most insurances accepted.


Good thing both those locations are still accessible in the game.

That was just flavor. Blizzard has no intention of making the effort to restore capital cities that they’ve leveled… this includes the Under City. Nor are they going to make the effort to do anything with Gilneas which is essentially a canceled battleground.

Amirdrassil has had all of the development it’s ever going to have especially with the decimation of the creative staff. They aren’t going to have people-hours to spare to work on irrelevant content.