Amirdrassil Seems Fine

I think Holy Land better described Amirdrassil.

We still need proper temple.

The large moonwell under the tree is suitable for placing a temple there but I think we need more than just a pool. Personally, I would create a temple similer to Wellspring of life, hanging from a tree roots like the stalactites above the pool, or let’s build a temple inside the tree around the heart of Amirdrassil where we fought Fyrrak. We have practically infinite space to build there.

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There is no way the worlds races can number in higher digits then 4 or 5 at this point.

And yet they do. Because population numbers do not and never will matter. There will always be however many of a race that the story needs

All it does to the story is losing its credibility.

You obviously know nothing about how story telling works in MMOs or in general for that matter

Be mad at me all you want. Hardly my fault the Reclamation of Gilneas was the best Worgen content given this decade because it was the ONLY WORGEN CONTENT GIVEN THIS DECADE.

Last time was 2017. And it only existed for Genn to once again get embarassed by the Forsaken which is his entire legacy.

This isn’t me being rude. Dude is running around half naked in Stormheim. The Worgen race has been an absolute waste of potential and I pray teaming them up with the only spooky faction lets them do ANYTHING but be lapdogs for Stormwind kings. Which was literally their only other role otherwise.

As a fan of werewolves I’m disgusted by their mistreatment.

Oh wait I told a lie there. There was the Gilnean Heritage Quest. Which will be it’s own topic because that seriously borders on a fictitious race hate crime.

So yes the Gilnean Reclamation quest remains the best by default.

It’s not anger, it’s bafflement. I have no idea how anybody with a head on their shoulders and some gray matter knocking around between their ears can honestly say that either side of a years-long conflict over a territory that neither could wrest complete control over despite actively trying to for, again, years didn’t consider it anything serious. That is an eminently stupid position to hold.

But it’s not as stupid as thinking the spook crew idea will do anything to alleviate the issue, because the issue isn’t nor has it ever been factions being rivals, it’s been bad writers writing bad stories.


And I’m befuddled you think there was a conflict. The Forsaken questline ends with the Worgen retreating behind Greymane’s Wall. And the Worgen one ends with them retreating as Sylvanas blasts the place with posion goo.

There was no conflict save for the BG which doesn’t appear canonical.

Gilneas was Schrodinger’s Zone and I’m baffled you seem upset it has an actual status for the first time in WoW’s history.

They’re rebuilding. The Forsaken are rebuilding. Hopefully they can have a nice talk over their shared borders over a lovely feast made from shrieking Balkan peasants.

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There was, the city traded hands several times through the years.
At one point it was even manned by, of all things, Black Dragons.
In BfA it was ostensibly reclaimed by the Gilneans who used their new position of power to sever Lordaeron’s line to their southerly forces on the Eastern Kingdoms and assist in the Battle for Lordaeron.
In the time since then it was apparently retaken by the Forsaken.
Thereafter, whether by incompetence of the retreating force, bad leadership or both, it was occupied by the Scarlet Crusade.
You have to be ignorant of the facts or outright lying to my face to say there was no conflict there. There are no other options.


I think it’s safe to say that there was a lot of conflict surrounding Gilneas, but Blizzard never settled on which of them were or are cannon. Leaving the whole messs vague to this day.


lol even you don’t know.

No, there has been no real conflict in this zone since Cata essentially.

Schrodingers conflict like was said before. Even in BfA we have no idea if anyone ever fought in Gilneas.

It’s safe to assume it’s been a grey zone for years with nothing really happening until just recently.

The lengths people will go to in order to try to spur up faction war nonsense my lord.

What do you even mean.
I literally told you what happened.
They retook it, as revealed at the end of Shadowlands, during the quest to cleanse Lordaeron.
How can I not know, when I literally just told you exactly the situation there as it was.

It’s conflict whether or not we’re there to observe and take part in it.
This is a stupid take.

Ignoring the aforementioned fact, writing it off as “not real conflict” for no reason greater than to post a meme from Mad Men and feign superiority, is peak dumb on a forum about story discussion.




Yeah you sure seem to know what you’re talking about.

Sure sure the absence of evidence isn’t the evidence of absence and all that, but also may I point you to the fact that there is never a mention of ongoing things in Gilneas. It’s a grey zone, it was bombed out by plague, a thing even acknowledged by one of the writers on Twitter in 2015. During that time he said “Much of the zone is still plagued, but there are pockets of safety for careful travelers!”

Abandoned zone. No conflict. That’s the most obvious answer.


Alright, so you don’t even know what ‘apparently’ means, fantastic.

Only a fool would actually say this in opposition to the events of a story being considered evidence of events in the story.

Things literally happen.
They don’t need to come out and say, “Hey things are still happening in Gilneas”, when they literally show it through events in the narrative.

Which is another upstanding example of blizzard’s absent ability to maintain a coherent canon.
Because Gilneas was blighted in Cataclysm and in that same expansion Rogues go to the city itself which was blighted to find it being manned by Black Dragons and their minions.
And only goes to show that things were still happening despite your own thoughts and opinions on the matter.


Ok so this is one of those. You have no sources to back up anything you’re saying, all you have been saying is. “Well logically this makes sense.”

Sorry, this is Blizzard writing, logic isn’t what wins the day.

Apparently this, seemingly that, we can deduce that blah blah blah

Nobody cares. You’re wrong.

Feel free to continue to screech into the void about your head canon though.

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She’s right and all your doing is the equivalent of Nu Uh and it comes off kinda childish

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Say what you want about what should be.

Say it is that is something else entirely. I don’t know what else to tell you. There’s no argument, she made an assertion that’s wrong. Make a thread talking about what the direction of the Gilneans ought to have been, talk about how Worgen have been mishandled and how Blizzard doesn’t show them any love. All fine. Trying to retroactively say interesting things did happen is just wrong, though.

Things did happen in gilneas. And you arguing against that is literally bizarre and shows how little you actually know about the situation

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Black Dragons and their minions.
Events involving Gilneas during BfA.
The Forsaken still occupying Gilneas.
The Scarlet Crusade having occupied Gilneas.

What the Hell are you even on about?