Amirdrassil Seems Fine

This was probably the best city quest ever. Since it is the only city quest. You literally participate in building that place. Even as a Horde, but I don’t know why the hell a Hordie would do that. Anyway, I was hoping they’d build it up over time, it has so much potential. But I think they dropped the idea when the eternally teary-eyed nelf fans scoffed at it.

I find it’s a really poor place for a capital city for the Night Elves. It needs to get serious updates coming for the next expansions.

It’s not meant to be a capital city, but a quiet place for Malfurion and Tyrande to go make some babies. Blizzard made it clear years before BFA that they were done making new player capitals and were going to start pruning a couple.

Do you have a source please?

Night Elves lost two capitals for “fun” and they are forced to do an exodus from their ancestral homeland in a small isle without importance for them and for other expansions. Make no sense when you can take Hyjal as “new home” and capital city.

It’s a really bad job. But Bliz must finish the work for Night Elves, Forsaken and Gnomes and give them a capital city in the future.

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Two capitals? You must be counting Nighthaven in Moonglade. That was more of a takeover by the Cenarian Circle.

Hyjal has too much history as a bifaction historical area to declare it a Night Elf exclusive zone.

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How about they stick to building up the new tree? And maybe ignore the tears of nelf players because I honestly can’t remember a time they were actually pleased with something.

I saw a picture of a giant tree and with structures built across the trunk and more structures built on the crown of the tree. I wanna see that. But I don’t think I will cause the moment Blizzard put that tree in game, nelf fans didn’t want it.

Maybe they should have done this with the Forsaken instead. I’m sure they would have been happy just to be included, not to mention get a new city.

So are you saying you do want that or you don’t?

This will not happen within the games lifetime. Unless we get like a 5-10k year timeskip.

The fact that it’s not next door to the freaking Horde is an improvement all on it’s own.

Why that long? Building Darnassus or growing Teldrassil didn’t take that long.

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What vibes?

There will be no timeskip.

Original teldrassil was raised and built into a big nation in the spam of 4 years.

Amirdrassil was either planted at the end of shadowlands or at the start of dragon flight and was a full tree by the end of it, so at max a 5 year time to grow, at minimum, 2 years (expansion duration).

Considering Teldrassil (the tree) is still alive in some fashion and the stone buildings there survived somehow, they could get some druid task force and fix the thing in 2 or 3 years in lore.

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Yeah I don’t think so either.

I don’t like it. Human characters should age for there to be a timeskip.

Ehh… the picture we have of it off the cost depicts it as being a burnt out shell of itself. It is possible the roots may of survived, but I suspect if they do anything there again it won’t be on a giant world tree, it will be ground level on the island itself.

It is also a possibility.

I don’t know how tree works, but i recall you could cut the “dead part” and the living part would eventually grow again, imagine that but with druids juicing the tree up.