AMD Radeon 7000 Series Constant Crashing

Reseat your GPU on your motherboard.

100% not related to the current problem.

I don’t have a dog in this fight because my machine is older, but when it crashes it gives me an option to send a report to AMD, that makes a Bug report log on my desktop. Is it not possible to link on wow forums? I have yet to see any.

I too am having this issue. I have not tried DX11 yet and to be honest, I wish I didn’t even have to considering how long it’s been known… Let’s hope AMD fixes it before Blizzard because it’s not looking good. Sucks crashing almost every time I do Galakrond’s fall 2nd boss.

7900 XTX

been fighting this issue for awhile as well with 7900xtx. tried dx11 but that crashed too and had lower fps. tried older drivers as well and that didnt work either. had a spare drive around and installed pop OS and running wow using lutris, no more crashing and runs smoother than win11 was for me. i hope AMD or blizz fixes it soon though.

Incase blizzard needs more info. 7000 series cards seem to be a trend for this issue.

I see that other AMD users are encountering issues as well. I have a 6900XT and recently I lost a hardcore level 41 (RIP) to what I think was a GPU issue. My computer hard freezed when I started casting a frostbolt, temps were fine. Are your issues only on WoW? I have had GPU issues with several other games in the past. Has Blizzard mentioned issues with AMD cards in the past?

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theres a new amd driver out, 23.12.1 lets test it and see if it has any effect on the DX 12 driver crash issues. Doubt it will solve the problem but its here.

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I havent seen this error. Doesnt seem like the same problem many of us are having.

Not launching due to unsupported hardware is a different issue, and one that can’t be diagnosed without the specs of the computer you’re trying to run the game on.

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Should DDU the old drivers and delete the shader cash if testing a new driver build. I did that and I am testing it

Newest driver seems to greatly reduce crash rate but it can still time out. I’ve timed out only once in the last week and it was in Emerald Dream while looting a treasure.

Again, I still think the issue is unresolved.

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Unfortunately for me i had a crash within a day of the new driver. I wasnt even doing anything except landing from dragon riding, then suddenly a crash. On dx 12 of course.

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My game hangs and fails to launch with dx12 every AMD driver update but now wont go away when i reinstall the driver. I have a 6950xt not 7000 series.

You have to let wow recompile shaders. Just launch the game, step away for 5-10 mins and come back.


tried that didnt work, and rolled back to previous driver didnt work either.

I have a 7900 XTX and I get a black screen roughly every 30 minutes to an hour of gameplay. The game comes back up after 10 seconds with a report that a driver has crashed. Only happens in WoW Classic. Loading in Dx11 changes nothing. I have an old Nvidia machine and never have this issue.

Welcome to the club fam. If you can return your card and buy an Nvidia, do it while you can. If not, get used to it.

Edit: Obligatory update. Newest AMD drivers don’t fix any issue. If anything it’s now worse as I’ve had my first crash that’s taken a. considerably longer to restart drivers, and b. given me the “Unable to start up 3D acceleration” message upon start up.


Guys, I was having this issue. Changed out my gpu everything. Turns out AMDs drivers are causing this to happen. I was able to fix it by downloading 23.9.1 drivers for my 7900 xtx. 1 week no crashed. It’s guarantee to work I learned this in a PC forum.

Do this until AMD figures it out. This also works for 7900 xt

Edit: These drivers crashed too eventually.

I already tried 32.9.1 , this is actually the driver AMD was on when patch 10.1.5 released, and it worked prior to that patch. Since then no driver i have tested or others apparently has worked in stopping the issue. Another big problem with testing this issue is that sometimes it takes a week for a crash to happen, and other times it takes a day or less.