That’s not what they said, check the blues.
also its already fixed on PTR, so…
Yeah, Susãn just posted the relavant section. I hadn’t seen that post.
I had one a ‘‘pre-download’’ it was really quick, but still no fix so idk.
It’s fixed on the PTR, still not live though.
Except I never said the fallback code was an incorrect assumption? I even said the instruction set was the issue. Quoting my own post that you replied to “That “something” that changed is likely the instruction set requirement.” Hit the nail on the head. I even said multiple times it might or might not be intentional (since it had been there in ptr and was ignored) we didn’t know.
Doesn’t sound like a coder to me.
Edit: Also, if you’ve been a coder that long you know full well why instruction set requirements aren’t listed on the side of the box. There have been posts in this thread mixing up cpu and gpu, and you think the average joe will understand cpu instruction set requirements?
That’s a bit disappointing tbh.
But I bet there are technical reasons for that. Perhaps they’re using PTR as the intended space for testing it, making sure it’s 100% ok before pushing a live update.
So there’s a fix on ptr why can’t they give an update on how long our fix is going live. And again how has this issue been reported for months from what I’ve read and been allowed to go live. This is so bad this company is going to shhh
I’d also guess they’re working on the other bugs listed in their recent “Known Issues” post and intend to roll out fixes for them in batches, that way they’re not just rapid-fire doling out fixes without making sure that the changes they make to the code don’t mess other things up.
It’s pretty common that a fix for one issue can cause other unexpected problems, so I honestly prefer a more careful approach, even if it delays the only fix I’m really checking for.
Specially in a case like this. Their engineers must be checking and testing a lot of things before they can declare this fix gtg.
Lol I wanted to be a ghost and fly there to see what they are doing and how. I’m curious to know how these things actually work, and how their workers tackle these challenges.
yeah they prob still testing if the fix causes trouble with other cpu
Bah… it wasn’t fixed during the maintenance? Sheesh I just lost my 1000g bet it seems… I just don’t get why … Maybe more testing I guess…
We’ll see later!
Thank you so much!
It’s working on PTR, it’ll probably go live tomorrow.
Oh, good to know, thanks for that update.
Was hoping PTR build was pushed today. cries in Orc
I didn’t have this issue for ALL of BFA & suddenly now with new customizations there’s an issue? I should not need to get a new computer to see the textures… the game runs smoothly, the hair/skin/eyes are just blacked out glitches
It is going to take a few days to go Live from the PTR. They need to make sure they didn’t break something else with their fix. It’s good that they are testing it first.
I just find it ODD that everyone is complaining about major lag on Live while I have no lag but can’t see a hairstyle we have had in game since 2007. And they want to say it’s our computer’s fault and not their janky code…SURE JAN
It is live! Thank you,Blizzard! Great work!
YES! It’s fixed!!