[AMD] Missing character textures after 9.0

List some please? I have quiet literally never encountered this issue except once before with WoW around Cata, and it just took a /reload to fix. I can run Deep Rock Galactic at 40fps with no texture issues. This is a WoW coding issue as far as I can tell.


Fair, though I think you meant K10 AMD architecture can’t play Apex legends. fx8300 does indeed support SSSE3.

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They probably fixed it for recent FX’s. When the game released, any AM3/AM3+ wasn’t able to open the game, and when it opened, pass the menu screen

Well Apex Legends for one. How the issue manifests is going to be different depending on how the game utilizes the avx code. WoW is utilizing it for the new texture rendering, so the problems for people with these cpu’s is certain textures being called with this instruction set not showing.

I’m sorry, but you’re the one not understanding. As an engineer you can send instructions in a way the CPU can read. If you don’t, it’s either
ii-deliberate choice

Stop shifting the blame on us, users, who have hardware perfectly capable of running this game well. In any case it’s Blizzard’s fault. Either for choosing to build it in a way that deliberately excludes these processors, or for not noticing despite it being reported for over 3 months on beta and ptr.

I don’t want to complain, mistakes happen, and I hope they fix it soon. But this is 100% on them, not us.


All AMD bulldozer architecture cpu’s support SSSE3, so that is all fx cpu’s. So if it doesn’t play Apex it’s even older than the fx line, which is the same age as what we’re talking about here.

I’m running on an ancient Navidia Geoforce 650 and the game ran adequately until now, as I’m having the no eyes, skin and hair bug as well. I updated drivers, turned off all add-ons and reset all my graphics options with no change.

Oddly, all my characters here in the forums selection have all their features, but not in game.

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**AMD Phenom II processor
**Radeon HD 5800 series video card

I am experiencing the same issues. Everything else in game is fine including the armor graphics, weapons, environment, mounts, buildings etc. For the record, I’m in no way tech-savvy but I would think everyone should be experiencing MUCH more graphic/ texturing issues than just what we’re seeing on our characters as well as other players characters with the no eyeballs, jet black hair with zero texturing and male Dwarves NOT HAVING ANY beards or ponytails.

When I went to the barber shop and could see a faint line of other colors just at at the hairline and on my male dwarf character the metal rings on the beards appeared but NOT the beard itself or ponytail w/metal ring. I really hope Bliz can / WILL fix this issue. I am a vanilla player and I have invested countless hours as well as money into WoW and I would hate to quit due to an appearance issue but I can’t see buying a new pc/pc components just for one game when my pc runs other games that have MUCH more detail than WoW which has always looked rather cartoony in appearance. Please fix this issue Blizzard. Ty.


No you’re not understanding, and you’re putting words in my mouth. I didn’t blame the end user. It’s not any of our faults we have an older cpu.
However, as stated before there are reasons to want to use avx and you yourself acknowledged something I already said

Yes, they chose this instruction set on purpose. I don’t know why you’re so stuck on assigning blame, it doesn’t help. The engineers went with a newer more efficient instruction set (as any good engineer would be expected to) that happens to not work on some really old cpu’s.

This is what happens when technology advances past what hardware can handle. It’s unfortunate, it sucks, but unless Blizz changes their mind and fixes it (which we can all agree they SHOULD, I’ve agreed with that many times in this thread already) it isn’t going to change. Trying to pin blame on someone isn’t going to change that.

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Thank you for the update. I know we’re not quite at the minimum requirements, but I really hope Blizzard doesn’t leave old AMD CPU users out in the cold. I’m kind of dreading attempting to upgrade my processor and motherboard without messing up anything else, or having to reactivate Windows, just so I can enjoy this game properly.


I’ll add myself to the list of people having problems with the missing textures.

AMD Phenom II x4 965 Black Edition 3.4 GHz
Geforce GTX 960
Windows 10
16 GB ram


Well my pc works ok, but my wife’s pc doesn’t. Just upgraded the graphics card and put a solid state drive in it because i thought that would be what we needed for wow to play on it. It worked great before the patch. It has an old Amd processor so i guess now I have to buy a whole new pc after the upgrades? Seriously? Between the upgrades, now a new pc, the monthly sub for two of us, i can’t afford to pay that kind of cash to play wow anymore. All my other games work just fine.


Nhimlann I have no beef against you, sorry if I put words in our mouth.

This is what I can’t fathom, to be honest. Specially Blizzard, historically known for making their games in a way that even low specs run.
It’s not professional, and it’s not Blizzard-like doing things this way. “This is better, f*** people with older computers” is just not the way.

And it’s not like you have to choose between new better instructions OR it still runs on old AMDs. Rarely you’re faced with such choices when designing. Usually there are workarounds, ways to bring new instructions but still run in old AMDs (maybe as simple as if these CPUs then run this set of instructions).

I’m not keen on believing this is the result of a choice, because it’s not a smart business decision, and it’s not like them.


This exactly. Monday, everything fine. Tuesday, broken. I can probably afford a new motherboard and processor but I’m really worried about all of the other compatibility issues with Windows 7, power supply, etc.


Yeah, I agree that they cannot support old hardwares forever, but they published the system requirements 2 months prior to the launch, on BFA was 7 months. In 5 months, we can save money and upgrade. In 2 and on a pandemic situation, that’s just unacceptable.


They also knew the percentage of their players that ran similar hardware and did nothing about it.

They just did not care.

(And if they did not know, what are they doing with all our usage data?)


Honestly I really hope you’re right.

I couldn’t agree more.

Bragonsdane and I yesterday were mentioning how regardless of what instruction set is used its odd to see this even rendered on the cpu. Normally textures would be rendered on the gpu making this whole problem go away.

It seems to me that any small gains they might get from offloading this to cpu is FAR outweighed by the loss of players who are now alienated. But I’m just a hobbyist, so maybe I’m missing something.


Same Issues.
CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1045T Processor
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB

Blizzard has an issue with naming what things actually are.

It is not “older computers” it is “long time players.”


many Thanks